
  • 网络Pujiu Temple;temple of universal salvation
  1. 匠心独运&论《西厢记》中普救寺的设置

    Exercising writer ′ s inventive mind & Discussion on the setup of Pujiu Temple in the Romance of West Chamber

  2. 其中,有武庙之冠解州关帝祖庙,中华四大历史文化名楼之一鹳雀楼,《西厢记》故事发生地普救寺,壁画艺术宝库永乐宫等。

    Guandi temple in xiezhou , guanque tower , one of four renowned towers in china , Pujiu temple , the place where the novel of happened , and Yongle palace , a treasure house for murals .

  3. 永济普救寺莺莺塔、万国寺;

    Yongji Yingying universalist Temple Tower , Wan Temple ;

  4. 第五章是关于名祖名词对修辞的特殊影响。普救寺以其特殊的声学效应而名闻四海。

    Chapter Five is a study on the influence of eponyms on rhetoric . Pu-Jiu-Si Temple is well-known for it special acoustic of .