
  1. 普通品官墓,在四角立应有土堠。

    There are four mounds in the corner of Ordinary officials ' tomb .

  2. 深沟球、短圆柱、角接触等系列普通品及精密品轴承。

    We also supply deep grove bearings , short column bearings , angle contact bearings and some precise bearings .

  3. 滩羊体大品系和普通品系间的遗传距离为0.136±0.087,表明2个品系之间的亲缘关系很近。

    The genetic distance between the bigger strain and the ordinary strain of Tan sheep is 0.136 ± 0.087.The results indicated that the phylogenetic relationship is closer between two strains of Tan sheep .

  4. CIMMYT普通小麦品系Waxy蛋白类型及淀粉糊化特性研究

    Waxy Protein Identification and Starch Pasting Properties of CIMMYT Wheat Lines

  5. 在普通消费品市场是品牌领先原则,在房地产市场同样如此。

    The brand strategy has been used in normal consume goods , what is the situation in the real state market ?

  6. 适用产品责任的产品应包括普通工业品,初级农产品、无形产品,建设工程不动产。

    The products which are applied to product liability are ordinary industrial products , primary agricultual products , immaterial products and construction immovables .

  7. 随着国家经济的持续高速发展,啤酒越来越成为人们日常生活中的一种普通消费品。

    China , as an emerging nation , the economy has being continuously developed fast in the past 10 years . Beer becomes a more and more common consumable in Chinese daily lives .

  8. 而生物技术制药可以提供抵抗这一灾难的利器,其中原因有二:第一,这些技术非常难摹仿,所以被称为“生物相似药”的普通替代品很难进入市场;

    Biotech drugs provide something of a hedge against this coming calamity , for two reasons . First , they are much harder to copy , so generic equivalents ( called " biosimilars ") will be slow in coming .

  9. 本文在深入研究普通印刷品印刷质量自动检测技术的基础之上,结合地图印刷质量控制的特点,对地图印刷质量自动检测技术的技术方案和相关关键算法做了深入研究。

    Based on deep research on the normal printing product quality auto detection technology and considering characteristics of the linear map printing quality control , this paper makes deep study in the technology scheme and key algorithms for the linear map printing quality auto detection .

  10. 首先,普通的保健品充斥着化学物质。

    First of all , regular health products are filled with chemicals .

  11. 这种电池供电的设备作为含有香烟成分的普通香烟替代品,在中国青少年中很受欢迎。

    The battery-powered devices have become popular among Chinese teenagers as a substitute for regular cigarettes that contain tobacco .

  12. 皮肤保养大法:使用最普通的暖和清洁品,如露得清晚间营养滋润洁面乳,它比包含去皱成分的同类产品更便宜。

    Skin solution : Use a plain , gentle cleanser , like Neutrogena Night Calming Nourishing Cream Cleanser . It 'll probably cost less than one with wrinkle-smoothing ingredients .

  13. 柔性显示器件的衬底材料及封装技术电子纸是一种超薄、超轻的显示屏,可实现柔性显示、零功率保持图像,其目标就是作为普通纸张的替代品。

    Flexible substrates and encapsulation methods for flexible organic light emitting devices The electronic paper and electrophoretic ink are a couple of twisted conceptions which have been usually being confused .

  14. 这些被中国迷们奉为地位和品位象征的国际品牌,在美国和其他国家仅仅是普通的生活需品。

    Those international brands , which are upheld by Chinese fans as the symbol of outstanding social status and taste , are just common necessities in the US and other countries .

  15. 在世界范围内,人们普遍达成一种共识,即成品油已经不仅仅是一种普通的能源消费品,而更应被认为是一种重要的、稀缺的及不可再生的战略物资。

    Worldwide , people generally reach a consensus that oil is not only a kind of common energy goods , but more should be considered as a kind of important , scarce and non-renewable strategic materials .