
  • 网络Common area;generic region
  1. 优质区试优质亚基出现的频率平均为159%,显著高于普通区试。

    The frequency of the high quality subunit of the wheat lines in quality group was 159 % , and was significantly higher than that in high-yield group .

  2. 他住在北京东郊一个叫做北京高尔夫公寓(BeijingGolfPalace)的普通住宅区内,但他实际上并不打高尔夫。

    He lives in a nondescript housing complex called Beijing Golf Palace in the city 's eastern suburbs but does not actually play golf .

  3. 大部分图书馆设有文献参考区和普通借阅区。

    A.Most libraries have a reference section as well as the ordinary lending section .

  4. 降雹区与普通雷暴区相比,降雹区的不稳定能量更大,对流运动伸展得较高。

    The convective of the hail region developed higher than that of normal thunder region and the instability energy is greater .

  5. 按集装箱的分类将堆场划分为若干个箱大区,每个箱大区中存放同一种类集装箱,如普通箱区、保温箱区等。

    In big-region , the same category container are stored , for example : dry container region and insulated container region .

  6. 蓝色港湾商业区具有良好的地理优势,这种良好的地理环境使得蓝色港湾商业区有了不同于普通商业区的潜力。

    The SOLANA mall has a good geographical advantage , this favorable environment makes the SOLANA mall different from ordinary marketplace .

  7. 普通中学、区重点中学、市重点中学各学校的学生在人性观上有其独有的特点,我们从事高中生心理咨询时要考虑其人性观的特点,采取相应的咨询策略。

    Students from different levels of schools have their particular characteristics on view of human nature , from which we learn that in counseling we should consider students ' characteristic of view of human nature and took corresponding counseling strategy .

  8. 作为知识资本的载体,知识型员工具有一系列与普通员工相区别的特性,因此传统的书面契约对他们的约束作用已经不够明显,从而导致了目前知识型员工的流失率居高不下。

    As the carrier of knowledge capital , knowledge workers have a wide range different characteristics from common employees , so the traditional written binding contract for their role not enough significantly , resulting in the current knowledge-based high staff turnover rate .

  9. 其文化教育存在着目标的双重性、教学时间的有限性、课程教学内容的精炼性和教学组织模式多样性等基本规律,必须根据实际情况制定与普通学校相区别的九年义务教育标准。

    The culture education include many basic laws , such as double characteristics in aim , the limitation in teaching time 、 succinct in the subject teaching content and varieties in teaching organization patterns . So we must work out the criterion of Nine-year Compulsory education differing from normal schools .

  10. 分配给普通对话框的缓冲区太小,不能容纳字符串

    Buffer passed to common dialog too small to accomodate string

  11. 审阅海外普通法司法管辖区有关成本控制及监察案件进度惯例的文献;

    Literature review on practices in overseas common law jurisdictions in cost control and monitoring of case progress ;