
  • Ordinary worker;【化】direct labor
  1. 作为最有发展潜力的工质替代技术之一,CO2跨临界循环受到越来越多的关注,但CO2跨临界循环研究面临的最大问题是提高整个系统效率,使之能与普通工质循环竞争。

    As one of the promising alternative technologies , CO2 transcritical cycle has been received more and more concern . The big issue of CO2 system is the improvement of efficiency to compete against the conventional refrigerant systems .

  2. 普通工包括厨房里的帮厨和洗碟工以及从事装卸物品或设备之类的杂活的壮工等。

    Examples of unskilled workers are the helpers and dish washers in the kitchen or the laborers who perform such chores as loading or unloading shipments of supplies and equipment .

  3. 你是指普通缝纫工吗?

    Do you means normal sewing worker ?

  4. 教学管理视角下普通理工类本科院校学风建设问题研究

    Study on Academic Atmosphere Construction in Ordinary Technical Undergraduate Course College from Perspective of Education Management

  5. 一个普通的钢筋工是如何一步步摘取全国劳模桂冠的?

    How does a common reinforcing steel bar worker walk step by step to win the laurel of " national labor model "?

  6. 反在人邦,相宜性评价普通长用于工田和城市用地的生态相宜性评价,而反在工业用地的规划评价方里的当用案例较长。

    In China , suitability evaluation general used for farmland and urban ecological land ecology suitability evaluation , but the application in the planning evaluation of industrial land use is less .

  7. 他只是个普通的汽车修理工。

    He is simply an automobile mechanic .

  8. 普通高等院校理工农林类与文法财经类学生培养成本差异分析高等教育学生培养成本核算的思索

    An Analysis of the Higher School Student Fostering Cost Checks On Difference in Educational Cost between Science Students and Arts Students

  9. 本文重点分析了养护条件对普通混凝土、水工混凝土以及补偿收缩混凝土的强度及结构耐久性的影响。

    This paper emphasized on the influences of curing condition on strength and durability of plain concrete , hydraulic concrete and shrinkage compensating concrete .