
zhōng jié
  • at an end;end;finality;final;crowning;final stage
终结 [zhōng jié]
  • [finality;end] 结束;完结

  • 即使是无法挽救的外交上的失败,总也有终结的一天

终结[zhōng jié]
  1. 整个场面有一种可怕的终结气氛。

    There was a terrible air of finality about the whole occasion .

  2. 我的终结将会是完美的。

    My finality will may be perfect .

  3. 这是一个时代的终结。

    It 's the end of an era .

  4. 这些新规则可能意味着我们熟悉的足球终结了。

    The new rules could mean the end of football as we know it .

  5. 在布尔什维克革命爆发的74年之后,苏维埃时代终结了。

    Seventy-four years after the Bolshevik Revolution , the Soviet era ended .

  6. 这实际上已是该学说的终结,只是未被道明罢了。

    It 's the end of the doctrine in all but name .

  7. 死亡本身就是自相矛盾的,既是终结也是开始。

    Death itself is a paradox , the end yet the beginning .

  8. 声明标志着欧洲历史上一个伟大时代的终结。

    The announcement marks the end of an extraordinary period in European history

  9. 仔细想想欧洲殖民主义终结的原因会很有意思。

    It is interesting to reflect why European colonialism ended .

  10. 只有政治解决方案才能终结暴力。

    Only a political solution could put an end to the violence .

  11. 这几乎肯定会导致北大西洋公约组织的终结。

    It would almost certainly mean the end of NATO

  12. 安娜在夏天参加了课程终结考试。

    Anna sat her finals in the summer .

  13. 强节奏摇滚乐的黄金时期或许已经终结。

    Beat music may finally have had its day

  14. 这意味着他过去的一切存在或曾经希望的存在均已终结。

    It meant the death of everything he had ever been or ever hoped to be .

  15. 他希望这会终结。

    He wished it would end

  16. 一场数年之久的恋爱就此终结。

    A romance extending over several years was culminated .

  17. 审判长宣布辩论终结后,被告人有最后陈述的权利。

    The chief judge has announced the debate closed , the defendant has the right to make a final statement .

  18. 雅典,古希腊的雅典,排斥了承担责任,她走向自由的终结,自由不复存在。

    Athens , the Athens of Ancient Greece , refused responsibility ; she reached the end of freedom and was never to have it again .

  19. 所以人们从随便看一看他开始的,都要以仔细捉摸他而终结

    Hence people who began by beholding him ended by perusing him .

  20. 终结着这段古怪多事的历史的最后一场,

    Last scene of all , that ends this strange eventful history ,

  21. 第一百三十七条有下列情形之一的,终结诉讼:

    Article 137 Legal proceedings shall be terminated in any of the following circumstances :

  22. 疫情可能会永远终结正装文化。

    The pandemic may have ended formality forever .

  23. 最初,前景看似黯淡,终结之日遥不可及,最终结局悬而未决。

    At the start , the outlook seemed bleak3 , the end distant , the outcome uncertain .

  24. 昨日的调整也标志着葛霖在汇丰主宰地位的终结

    Yesterday 's reshuffle also marks the end of Mr Green 's dominant role ruing the bank .

  25. 据最新调查,如今十分之一的婚姻因为“生物钟离婚”现象而终结。

    According to new research , one in ten marriages now end in ' biological clock divorce ' .

  26. 这一部又把世界给终结了,践踏了地球,还碾压她,然后再把她吐出来

    This one ends the world , stomps on it , grinds it up and spits it out .

  27. (六)人民法院认为应当终结执行的其他情形。

    or ( 6 ) other circumstances occur under which the people 's court deems the termination of execution necessary .

  28. 第二百三十五条有下列情形之一的,人民法院裁定终结执行:

    Article 235 The people 's court shall make a written order to terminate execution under any of the following circumstances :

  29. 第二百三十六条中止和终结执行的裁定,送达当事人后立即生效。

    Article 236 A written order to suspend or terminate execution shall become effective immediately after being served on the parties concerned .

  30. 节日约会是用广告征临时男友或女友度假并在假日结束时终结关系的一种方式。

    Holidates is one way of advertising for temporary boyfriends and girlfriends over the holidays and that relationships will be terminated at the end of the holidays .