- stop codon;termination codon;terminator codon

The α - globin gene of yak was amplified and cloned by using the primers based on the conserved region of the upstream from the initiation codon and the downstream from the termination codon .
The start codon of the COX ⅰ is ATG , while the termination codon TAA .
Gene analysis of hereditary protein C and protein S deficiency in two Chinese pedigrees
TGA encodes tryptophane and not the terminate code ; The Codon Usage in Oncogene Sequences
The stop codon usage preferred to TGA for U. pinnatifida .
There is terminate codon TAA of the whole ORF at the 3D coding region termination .
Interestingly , selenocysteine is encoded by codon UGA .
The Contrast Study of Base ′ s Conservative Character and Correlative Character between E.coli and Yeast Gene for Adjacent Sequence of Initiation Codon or Termination Codon
The termination codon was composed of TAA .
We observe that average code distances fluctuate obviously near the initiation codon and termination codon . Remarkable changes also appear in the SD field of procaryotic organisms . 2 .
A continuous 2,724 nucleotide sequence spanning the P3 coding region was obtained , including a ending codon TAA . 907 amino acids were encoded .
2 ) The first ATG rule - ORF initiates from the first in-frame ATG codon in the DNA sequence after the nearest upstream terminator ( TAA , TAG or TGA ) .
Sequence analysis revealed that splicing of the cDNA contained a 411 bp open reading frame , encoded 136 amino acids , and ATG was the initiation codon and TAA was the stop codon .
Sequence analysis revealed that the open reading frame of mcr gene was 1 347 bp in size , encoding 448 amino acids with ATG as initiation codon and TGA as termination codon .
Pyrrolysine , known as the 22nd amino acid , is found in Methanosarcina barkeri ( M.barkeri ) methylamine methyltransferases .
DNA sequencing revealed that the IPNS gene of S. cattleya consists of 963 bp encoding a protein of 321 amino acids with ATG as start codon , TGA as stop codon .
The characters of sequence flanking the start codon and stop codon in eukaryotic genes play an important role in defining the open reading frame ( ORF ) in cDNA sequences and coding region ( CDS ) in genomic DNA sequences .
Methods According to the coding area sequence of s-lap gene , stop codon located at 3 ′ terminus of s-lap gene was mutated by PCR and fused with GFP gene . Then the s-lap / GFP fusion gene was transfected into Hela cells .
Then , two more mutations removed the remaining stop signs .
Relation between base distribution in protein-coding regions and stop codons
Gene mutation of stop coden in 3 ' untranslated region of hepatitis C Virus
The asterisk indicates the stop codon .
Base mutation at sites 1 044 and 1 062 also led to produce a stop condon .
The compositions associated with stop codons are constrained , it is one of factors that affects the base distribution in protein-coding genes .
The sequencing result shows it is a 663 bp fragment with its own initiation and termination codons , presumably encoding for 220 amino acids ( named orf 220 ) .
The operation of this model can be divided into five stages : initialization , transcription , determination of the start codon , determination of the stop codons , and translation .
Mechanism of stop codon recognition of class I polypeptide release factor or termination codon reassignment are problems that have not yet been fully clarified , and should be further in-depth discussed .
Comparison of relative preference of nucleosome binding motifs shows that the mode number of preferred nucleosome motifs in ± 500bp region around the transcription start sites , transcription termination sites , start codon and stop codon is different .
Analyzed functional sites contain transcription start sites , transcriptional termination sites , start codon , stop codon and junction sites of intron and exon .
This result shows that the starting codon of yeast gene is always the ATG which is in close neighbor to the last terminal codon upstream .