
  • 网络image segmentation
  1. 人脑颅骨CT图像分割技术研究

    Study of Skull-brain CT Image Segmentation Technique

  2. 基于FPGA的视频图像分割技术设计与应用

    Design and Application of Video Image Segmentation Technology Based on FPGA

  3. 图像分割技术在肝CT容积测量中的应用

    The application of image segment technique in liver volume measurement

  4. 基于均值漂移图像分割技术去除CT图像金属伪影

    CT metal artifact correction based on Mean-Shift segmentation

  5. 基于变分法的SAR卫星图像分割技术研究

    Research of SAR Image Segmentation Based on Variational Method

  6. 利用非线性各向异性扩散和EM的SAR图像分割技术

    A SAR Image Segmentation Method with Automatic EM and Nonlinear Anisotropic Diffusion

  7. 基于Snake模型的肿瘤显微图像分割技术研究

    The Study on the Tumor Microscopic Image Segmentation Technology Based on Snake Mode

  8. 主动轮廓模型(ActiveContourModel)也被称为snake模型,是近年来被广泛使用的图像分割技术之一。

    Active contour model is also called snakes . It was widely used in recent years as a tool for image segmentation .

  9. 回顾了图像分割技术的发展,对模糊C均值聚类算法(FCM)进行深入研究。

    Basd on review of technologies on image segmentation , Fuzzy c-means ( FCM ) is studied in detail .

  10. 基于Snake模型的图像分割技术是近年来图像识别、图像分割和视频领域研究的热点之一。

    Snake model is one of the focuses on the image segmentation and video fields in recent years .

  11. 对于医学序列切片,需要图像分割技术将图像中感兴趣区域ROI(RegionofInterest)提取并进行三维重建。

    In medical microtomy , the ROI ( region of interest ) in image is needed to be picked up via image segmentation and to be 3D reconstructed .

  12. 基于小波去噪和图像分割技术的改进NAS-RIF盲图像复原算法

    An improved NAS-RIF algorithm based on wavelet denoising and image segmentation

  13. 根据数字图像分割技术将CT图像分为岩石区和损伤区(包括孔隙、微裂纹和人眼很难观察到的微损伤),获得CT图像的真实细观结构。

    Then we get the real micro-structure by the technique of image segmentation and the CT image is divided into two parts : rock area and damage area ( include hole and cracks and micro-damage which can 't be seen by eyes ) .

  14. 在对一种近十年来被广泛研究和应用的图像分割技术&活动轮廓模型(也称为Snake)进行深入研究的基础上,本文构建了一个基于Snake的半自动视频对象分割与跟踪框架。

    Based on the in-depth research of active contour models which have been extensively studied and applied as image segmentation methods during the past decades , a framework for semiautomatic segmentation and tracking using Snake is presented .

  15. 针对车牌纹理特征,本文利用Gabor小波滤波能模拟人类视觉的特点,研究了基于纹理分析的车牌图像分割技术。

    According to the license plate region texture and the Gabor wavelets filters character , which is a good simulation of the human vision , we investigate the license plate region segmentation based on texture analysis .

  16. 基于视觉特性的图像分割技术及其应用

    Analysis and Application of Image Segmentation Technique Based on Vision Character

  17. 图像分割技术及其在模拟指针式仪表自动检定系统中的应用

    Image Segmentation Technology and Its Application in Analog Signal Meter Auto-check-system

  18. 基于人体切片的图像分割技术研究

    Research of the Segmentation Technology Based on the Human Slice Image

  19. 基于数据挖掘的图像分割技术研究与应用

    The Images are Based on Data Excavation Technology Research and Application

  20. 图像分割技术之迭代算法在杂草识别中的应用

    The Application of Iterative Algorithm of Picture Division in Weed Recognition

  21. 多光谱图像分割技术在防沙治沙关键技术中的研究与应用

    Utilization of Multispectral Images Segmentation Technology in Desertification Prevention and Cure

  22. 图像分割技术及其在路面开裂损坏识别中的应用

    Image Segmentation Technology and Its Application in the Path Crack Recognition

  23. 类圆性颗粒图像分割技术研究

    The Study on the Segmentation of Circle - Like Particle Images

  24. 车牌字符图像分割技术的研究与应用

    Research and application of separating technique of vehicle plate character image

  25. 基于边缘检测的沥青混合料图像分割技术研究

    Study on Image Segmentation of Bituminous Mixture Based on Edge Detection

  26. 这就为细胞图像分割技术的发展奠定了基础。

    Which laid the foundation for cell image segmentation technology .

  27. 所以本文将基因芯片图像分割技术作为重点。

    The thesis mainly focuses on the segmentation of gene chip image .

  28. 图像分割技术在卡通招贴画处理中的应用

    Research on Processing of Cartoon Poster Based on Image Segmentation

  29. 彩色图像分割技术的研究&图像边缘检测技术的研究应用

    Color Image Edge Detection Research-Image Edge Detection Research and Application

  30. 分形理论的创立为图像分割技术开辟了新的途径。

    Fractal theory served as pioneer for image segmentation technology .