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tán tǔ
  • Talk;style of conversation
谈吐 [tán tǔ]
  • [style of conversation] 指言语应对

谈吐[tán tǔ]
  1. 聊天中,王刚自称是从阿拉伯国家归国的“海归”,谈吐幽默又不失风度,很快让张丽有了好感。

    In chat , Wang Gang , claiming to be returning from Arab countries ," returnees ", humorous style of conversation and losing with grace so that Li has a good impression quickly .

  2. 他相貌不凡,谈吐风趣,但她不为所动。

    She wasn 't swayed by his good looks or his clever talk .

  3. 我记得她是个安静、勤奋并且谈吐优雅的女孩子。

    I remember her as a quiet , hard-working and well-spoken girl .

  4. 在电话里听起来,他的谈吐非常优雅。

    He sounded so posh on the phone .

  5. 他谈吐优雅,彬彬有礼。

    His speech and manner are refined .

  6. 女经理谈吐从容,举止优雅。

    The manageress was easy in conversation and graceful in manner .

  7. 他谈吐激昂。

    He spoke with heat .

  8. 爱德华·费拉尔斯得到她们的好评并不是由于他的人品或谈吐特别出众。

    Edward Ferrars was not recommended to their good opinion by any peculiar graces of person or address .

  9. 黄公有两个妙龄女儿,长得花容月貌,谈吐娴雅,堪称天姿国色。

    Huang Gong had two sweet young daughters . They were as beautiful as flowers , with elegant and graceful4 carriages , and could be called unsurpassed beauties .

  10. 或者你走进BarnesNoble或者Borders书店,去看一看书架上关于如何更好的谈吐的手册。

    Or go into a Barnes Noble or Borders bookshop and look at the shelves of manuals on how to talk better .

  11. 或者你走进Barnes&Noble或者Borders书店,去看一看书架上关于如何更好的谈吐的手册。

    Or go into a Barnes & Noble or Borders bookshop and look at the shelves of manuals on how to talk better .

  12. 对于美国人而言,他和蔼可亲的举止与机敏的谈吐是NBA坏小子们滑稽行为的解药。

    For Americans , he 's affable demeanor and witty repartee are a welcome antidote to the antics of the NBA 's bad boys .

  13. 凯特林大学(KetteringUniversity)的凯文o白和周轩(音译)在实验室中从事电池行业研究,但他们的谈吐更像是买车人而不是实验室的书呆子。

    Kevin Bai and Xuan Joe Zhou at Kettering University work in labs and in battery industry research , but they talk like car shoppers than laboratory wonks .

  14. 然而,由于某些原因,MBA课程的神奇之处就在于,它能让人产生幻觉,以为自己的确是某方面的行家(只要你在重大机遇面前能够保证谈吐睿智且饱含激情)。

    Yet , for some reason , the magic of an MBA program is that it creates the illusion that you know what you 're doing ( so long as you can speak intelligently and passionately about a particular opportunity ) .

  15. 旧法国政权下的知识分子和伟大的言谈家MmedeStaël就将会话称为“一种交互的快速的给予对方快乐的途径;一个人的谈吐就如他的思考一般的敏捷;一个人对自我的自发陶醉;

    Mme de Sta ë l , a great talker and intellectual of the French ancien r é gime , called conversation " a means of reciprocally and rapidly giving one another pleasure ; of speaking just as quickly as one thinks ; of spontaneously enjoying one 's self ; of being applauded without working ... [ A ]

  16. 跟她说不需要用放肆的谈吐。

    Tell her that there is no need to talk impudently .

  17. 他文雅俊逸,谈吐风趣。

    He was charming and urbane , full of witty conversation .

  18. 你的谈吐是你自己山上的松林的萧萧;

    Your talk was the rustle of your own mountain pines .

  19. 彬彬有礼和谈吐得体是文雅的标志。

    Good manners and correct speech are marks of refinement .

  20. 他的谈吐则说明他的有好态度和能力;

    His maner of speaking suggests his friendliness and competence .

  21. 他同我打招呼时,挥洒自如,谈吐不拘。

    He greeted me with the easy charm and familiarity .

  22. 淑女般高雅的举止、谈吐他是一位举止文雅的人。

    Ladylike behaviour , speech He is a man of pleasant address .

  23. 正确的谈吐是受教育者的特征。

    Correct speech is an earmark of the educated man .

  24. 她阿姨谈吐优雅,举止悦人。

    Her aunt was well-spoken and had a pleasant manner .

  25. 他外表和谈吐,都是我想要的

    He looked and talked exactly like what I wanted ,

  26. 他温文尔雅的举止和不俗的谈吐赢得了我的好感。

    His gentle courtesy and quaint speech won my heart .

  27. 在他们的谈吐中,既有俚语,也有美妙的诗句。

    Their speeches were slang phrases and flares of poetry .

  28. 他那质朴的外表和轻柔的谈吐表明了他卑微的出身。

    His somewhat geekish appearance and soft-spoken manner bespeak his humble roots .

  29. 他是个谈吐文雅的人,嗓音轻柔而圆润。

    He is a cultivated man with a soft , rich voice .

  30. 他们大家都看出了,他在谈吐与举止方面都很像他老子。

    They all noted his resemblance in speech and manner to the Don .