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sǎng yīn
  • voice;sound;vocalization;throat
嗓音 [sǎng yīn]
  • [voice] 说话、唱歌等的声音

  • 嗓音甜美

嗓音[sǎng yīn]
  1. 他用略带沙哑的嗓音朗诵了一首诗。

    He recited a poem with a frog in his throat .

  2. 他用略带沙哑的嗓音唱歌。

    He sang with a frog in his throat .

  3. 这首歌起调太低,不适合我的嗓音。

    The song was pitched too low for my voice .

  4. 她的嗓音突然抬高了。

    There was a sudden sharpness in her voice .

  5. 婴儿什么时候学会辨别嗓音呢?

    When do babies learn to discriminate voices ?

  6. 我认为我听出你那甜美的嗓音呢。

    I thought I recognized your dulcet tones .

  7. 黑暗中传来低沉有力的嗓音。

    A voice boomed out from the darkness .

  8. 她运用了自己最有魅力的嗓音。

    She used her most seductive voice .

  9. 他的嗓音什么时候变粗的?

    When did his voice break ?

  10. 他的嗓音低沉洪亮。

    He had a booming voice .

  11. 她嗓音很尖。

    She has a high voice .

  12. 从小到大,生活在我周围的人都有着悦耳动听的嗓音。

    I grew up around people who had wonderful , mellifluous voices

  13. 这美妙的嗓音令女人们觉得非常性感。

    It was a wonderful voice which women found incredibly sexy .

  14. 她把嗓音压低到几乎听不见。

    She 'd lowered her voice until it was barely audible .

  15. 他的嗓音出奇地高,尖声尖气,有些娘娘腔。

    His voice was curiously high-pitched , reedy , almost effeminate .

  16. 她虽然个头小,嗓音却非常洪亮。

    Though she was tiny , she had a very loud voice

  17. 她的嗓音擅长演绎有难度的歌曲。

    Hers is the kind of voice that excels at vocal gymnastics

  18. 诺娃女士拥有一副美妙动听的好嗓音,对此她深以为豪。

    Ms Nova is the proud possessor of a truly incredible voice .

  19. 他嗓音低沉,说话略带拖腔。

    He has a deep voice and he drawls slightly .

  20. 她的嗓音非常好,现在的唱功比以往任何时候都要好。

    She 's got a great voice and is singing better than ever

  21. “好了,安静点,”母亲压低嗓音厉声道。

    ' Now , quiet , ' my mother hissed

  22. 我提高了嗓音,像教授一样说话。

    I raised my voice to a professorial tone .

  23. 医生的嗓音恢复了活力,两只小眼睛也有了神采。

    The doctor 's voice had come alive and his small eyes shone .

  24. 她压低了嗓音,声音低沉有力。

    She lowered her voice to a vehement whisper .

  25. 她听出了萨尔诺夫博士刺耳的嗓音。

    She recognized the grating voice of Dr. Sarnoff .

  26. 她说话轻声细语,嗓音甜美。

    She spoke in a quietly melodious voice .

  27. 最适于演绎莫扎特乐曲的银铃般美妙的嗓音

    a beautiful silver-toned voice ideal for Mozart .

  28. 她抱怨时抬高了尖细的嗓音。

    Her thin voice rose high in complaint .

  29. 她嗓音低沉,从没试过高音。

    She has a deep voice and doesn 't even try for the high notes

  30. 他拿起电话,心想会听到主席粗哑的嗓音。

    He picked up the phone expecting to hear the chairman 's gruff voice .