- 网络High spin;high-spin state;High spin state

High Spin State Structure of ~ ( 106 ) Ag
Measurement of ~ ( 125 ) Ba High Spin States
Level Scheme of High-Spin States in ~ ( 145 ) Tb
Spin Determination of  ̄( 160 ) Lu at High - Spin States
Shape Change of ~ ( 129 ) Ce at High Spin States
High - Spin Level Scheme of ~ ( 126 ) Cs
High-Spin Level Scheme of Odd-Odd ~ ( 140 ) Pr Nucleus
Experimental Study of High-Spin Band Structures of ~ ( 183 ) Au
The Study of High Spin States in Odd-A Nucleus ~ ( 159 ) Lu
The microscopic description of high spin states for even even nucleus 166 HF
Lifetime Measurement of High Spin States in ~ ( 171 ) Ta
Study of the High Spin States of Stable ~ ( 84 ) Sr
The dynamic effect on nuclear deformation ⅰ . deformations at high spins for nucleus ~ ( 172 ) os
Structure of High-spin States in Near-spherical Nuclei ~( 90 ) Nb and ~( 91 ) Nb
Microscopic approach of the spectral property of 1 ~ + and high-spin states in ~ ( 124 ) Te nucleus
A appreciable staggering of E2 transition rates associated with large B ( E2 ) values is found in the high spin states with negative parity .
The energy levels , B ( E2 ) values and gyromagnetic ratio g of some even-even nuclei have been calculated with a double band scheme of band-crossing .
BGO - HpGe anti - Compton suppression spectrometers for high spin - state study
Or H2O as ligand . It forms hydrogen bonding network with environment which is believed to play an important role in electron transfer and proton transfer .
Study of high spin states in nuclei on HI 13 tandem accelerator
Level structure of ~ ( 153 ) dy in high spin states and shape changes with N and I in Dy nuclei
The physical design and characteristics of the BGO-HpGe anti-Compton suppression spectrometers for high spin-state study with home-made BGO scintillators are briefly described .
The calculations show that the Fe-Fe distances obtained from high spin state ( HS ) are deviated from the experimental values significantly , whereas the Fe-Fe distances obtained by BS method are in good agreement with crystal structure data .
From the relativistic wave equations and the Lorentz transformation theory , the relativistic wave functions of spin particles are discussed , a solution for high spin states of relativistic particle is given .
Present status and future trends , are also indicated . Finally , some studies of high spin states on the HI-13 tandem accelerator of IAE are introduced .
High spin states of 207 Rn have been investigated via the 196 Pt ( 16 O , 5n ) 207 Rn reaction at 16 O energies from 85 to 95 MeV using techniques of in beam γ ray spectroscopy .
In-beam y-ray spectroscopy experiment for odd-odd nucleus 142 Pm has been performed via the 128Te ( 19F , 5n ) 142Pm reaction at beam energies of 75 MeV through 95 MeV . Excitation functions and γ - γ coincidences have been measured .
The application of the least squares method for high spin phenomena
Theoretical Study of Charge-induced High Spin State in Diradical Organic Molecules
Study of High Spin States of A ~ 130 Transitional Nuclei