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  • 网络Japanese chestnut;castanea crenata;C. crenata
  1. 此外,所有被测样品中,日本栗的蛋白质营养价值最低,二次结实板栗产最高。

    In addition , of all tested samples , protein of Castanea crenata had the lowest nutrient value and double bearing Castanea mollissima was highest .

  2. 以日本栗品种和板栗品种为试材,研究了2者的光合生理特性及日变化过程。

    The characteristics of photosynthesis in leaves of Japanese chestnut and Chinese chestnut cultivars were studied .

  3. 日本栗/板栗酚类物质含量与嫁接亲和力关系研究

    Studies on Relationship Between Phenol Content and Graft Compatibility in Chestnut

  4. 适当密植、幼树整形修剪、合理配植授粉树、加强肥水管理、人工辅助授粉及适时除雄是日本栗获得早实丰产的关健技术措施。

    Using key techniques which included rational dense planting , proper shaping and pruning of seedling , disposing male tree , reinforcing management of manure and water , artificial pollination , picking up stamens on time can get early fruit and high yield .

  5. 据日本媒体报道,日本政府与栗原家族已就这三座岛的所有权转让问题达成协议,转让金额约为20亿日圆(合2600万美元)。

    Japanese media reported that an agreement had been reached between the Japanese government and the Kurihara family to transfer ownership of the three islands for roughly 2 billion yen ( $ 26 million ) .

  6. 不过,因为没有得到日本政府的许可,调查团不能登岛。日本政府目前从栗原家族手中租借了这些岛屿。

    The survey team was unable to go ashore , however , because the Japanese government , which is currently leasing the islands from the Kurihara family , would not grant them permission .