
  • 网络Environmental System Analysis
  1. 中国目前的发展情况决定了水环境系统分析工作在未来很长一段时间内仍是我国环境保护领域的一项重要工作。

    At present and in the future , the task of water environmental system analysis would play an important role in our national environmental protection field due to fast development situation of China .

  2. 不确定性优化模型已成为有效处理环境系统分析中不确定性决策问题的重要工具,其优化模型体系的构建与算法研究具有重要学术和应用价值。

    Uncertainty optimization model has become a significant and effective tool to deal with the uncertainty decision making in environmental system analysis . The building and algorithm of optimization model system have important academic and applicable values .

  3. 基于GIS的大气环境系统分析与模拟

    The systematic analysis and simulation of atmospheric environment based on GIS

  4. 在内外部环境系统分析的基础上运用SWOT分析法提出了聚鑫铸造厂的市场营销战略。

    On the basis of systematic analysis of the company 's inner and outer environments , the author will put forward the marketing strategy by using the analyzing tool of SWOT model .

  5. 道路交通事故人-车-道路环境系统分析

    Buying a Car Analyzing the Man-vehicles-Highway System because of the Road Traffic

  6. 对应分析方法在地下水环境系统分析中的应用

    Application of Corresponding Analysis Method on Groundwater Environment System Analysis

  7. 城市地质环境系统分析与优化模型

    Ststem analysis of urban geological environment and its evaluation model

  8. 企业微观环境系统分析研究

    Analysis and Research on Microenvironment System of Enterprise

  9. 灰色动态模型在环境系统分析和预测中的应用

    Application of grey dynamic model to the analysis and the forecasting of an environmental system

  10. 福建农业持续发展的气候资源环境系统分析

    An Analysis On the System of Climate Resources and Environment in Fujian 's Sustainable Agricultural Development

  11. 本文通过核贮置环境系统分析,提出了核环境岩土问题研究的6种主要形式;对国内外研究现状进行了阐述;

    By means of the systematic analysis of nuclear disposal environment , several main forms of unclear geotechnical environment are presented and clarified , in conjunction with the world and domestic research situation .

  12. 结合开滦马家沟矿9723工作面人-机-环境系统分析,探讨了提高系统可靠性和生产能力的有效途径。

    According to the analysis of the man machine environment system of the face No. 9723 at Majiagou mine in Kailuan , effective measures for enhancing the reliability and production capacity of this system are discussed .

  13. 为回应对《洞庭湖地质环境系统分析》系列研究成果提出的质疑,在理论分析、宏观时空分析以及大量举证的基础上,论证了构造沉降对近代洞庭湖演变起着主导作用。

    This paper is a reply to the queries about research results of " Dongting Lake geology environmental system analysis " . Based on theoretical and macroscopic analysis , together with a series of reliable evidence , tectonic subsidence plays a leading role in modern Dongting Lake evolution .

  14. Excel软件在环境系统最优化分析中的应用

    Excel Usage in Optimum Analysis of Environmental System

  15. 其次,在简要介绍山东电力集团公司概况基础上,对山东电力集团公司电力营销概况和营销环境进行系统分析,并给出SWOT分析结果。

    Secondly , on the basis of brief description of Shandong Electric Power Group Company profiles , the power marketing system overview and marketing environment of the Shandong Electric Power Corporation are analyzed , and the results of SWOT analysis are presented .

  16. 农村水环境经济系统分析与决策研究

    Investigation on Rural Water Environment Economy System Analysis and Decision

  17. 小浪底工程施工区环境保护系统分析

    Analysis of Environmental Protection System of the Construction Area in Xiaolangdi Project

  18. 国防价值工程应用环境的系统分析

    The System Analysis of the Environment of Appling Nation Defence Value Engineering

  19. 循环经济模式下的煤炭基地环境保护系统分析

    Analysis on environment protection system of coal base under circulated economic mode

  20. 传媒职业经理人培养的环境支持系统分析

    An Analysis of the Environmental Supporting System for the Cultivation of Professional Media Managers

  21. 风险投资环境系统结构分析

    System Structure Analysis of Venture Capital Environment

  22. 地理环境系统综合分析过程标准化的实现。

    The realization of standardization in the process of geographic environmental system 's synthetical analysis .

  23. 运用波特的产业竞争力模型对东华公司的市场竞争环境进行系统分析和评价;

    This dissertation analyses the market competition environment of Donghua by utilizing the model of industry competition of baud .

  24. 本文通过对高校出版社的现状和行业内外部环境的系统分析,结合我国相关政策,对高校出版社实行企业化、产业化、集团化提出了初步的设想。

    This thesis analyses the inner and exterior condition of the university press , and designs the ideal developmental mode of university press , combining correlative policies .

  25. 在生态脆弱地区土地生态环境系统因素分析的基础上,提出了区域土地生态环境安全的概念和研究的理论基础。

    The concept and theoretical basis of securing regional terrestrial ecology in ecologically vulnerable areas are advanced on the basis of analyzing factors of the ecological management system .

  26. 第二部分借助竞争战略理论,对我国出版集团所处的竞争环境进行系统分析,主要是对我国出版业的宏观环境和出版产业环境展开论述。

    Second part , to analysis publishing groups ' external competition environmental , mainly launched describing by the macroscopical environment and publishing industry 's environment to the publishing business .

  27. 最后,在对我国特殊司法环境进行系统分析的基础上,提出我国诉讼指挥权制度重构的具体建议。

    Finally , on the basis of a systematic analysis of the special legal environment in China , I put forward specific proposals for the reconstruction of our litigation command system .

  28. 通过对其内、外市场营销环境的系统分析,发现企业存在的问题,挖掘市场机会和企业自身潜力,明确企业的市场定位。

    Based on the systematical analysis of internal and external marketing circumstance , this dissertation search out not only the questions existing inside the enterprise but also their potential market opportunities , and defines the market position of corporation .

  29. 本文首先针对Internet环境构件组装系统分析了现有相关技术的不足,讨论了组装技术应用上的关键问题。

    The component composition problems for Internet plate are discussed and the present Web services composite technologies are investigated in this paper .

  30. 我们应该从中国审计市场的现状出发,对影响审计质量的诸多环境因素加以系统分析,并提出相应对策和措施,以从根本上解决CPA的独立审计质量问题。

    This article , proceeding from the actual situation of Chinese audit market , makes a systematic analysis of environmental factors influencing CPA 's audit quality and puts forward a series of appropriate countermeasures that have proved to be successful .