
  1. 新时期湖南茶业发展初步探讨

    Preliminary Study on the Development of Hunan Tea Industry in New Period

  2. 论新时期湖南小说的含魅叙事

    Ghostly Narrating in Hunan Novel in the New Period

  3. 新时期湖南省财政监督机制创新问题研究

    Research on Innovative Mechanism of Public Financial Supervision in Hunan Province in the New Stage

  4. 沅陵县旅游资源丰富,文化底蕴厚重,已成为新世纪湖南旅游的一个亮点。

    Yuanling County is rich in tourism resources and cultural details . It has become one of the attractive tourism spots in Hunan Province in the new century .

  5. 爆破新技术在湖南高速公路建设中的应用

    Application of New Blasting Techniques in Highway Construction in Hunan

  6. 夺取湖南化学工业改革和发展的新胜利&湖南省石油化学工业局郎艺珠局长1998年1月5日在全省化工工作会议上的讲话摘要

    Striving for New Victories of Reform and Development in Hunan Chemical Industry

  7. 新形势下湖南农业可持续发展的思考

    Hunan Agricultural Deep Layer of Sustainable Development Thinking Under the New Situation

  8. 新形势下湖南省土地利用规划实施保障措施研究

    Guarantee Measures for Implementation of Land-use Planning under the New Situation in Hunan Province

  9. 新世纪初湖南西部大开发发展战略新思考

    Some New Reflects on the Strategy of the Development of Western Hunan at the Beginning of the New Century

  10. 关于综合院校办好高师教育的思考迈向21世纪办好现代大学的新思路&湖南省高教学会第二届中青年学者论坛综述

    The New Thinking of Management of the Modern University in the 21st Century & The Summary of the Second Forum of Young Scholars of Hunan Higher Education Association

  11. 第三部分:依据第二部分的研究成果,提出了新时期推进湖南省农业综合开发的对策。

    The third part : According to the research results of the second part , the part put forward the related suggestions of hunan agricultural comprehensive development in the new period .

  12. 为适应市场竞争特别是国际竞争的需要,不少企业步入集团式发展的新阶段,湖南五强集团就是其中一例。

    In order to meet the need for market competition especially international competition , many enterprises steps into the new era of corporative development , Wuqiang corporation group was one of them .

  13. 新资料包括湖南新记录9种,湘西地区新记录3个种,属湘西及湖南分布第二个分布点6个种,共18种,它们分别隶属于11科,16属。

    There are 18 new material . It includes 9 new records of Hunan , 3 new records in xiang xi , 6 belong to the second distribution point of xiang-xi or Hunan .

  14. 有色金属新材料在湖南新材料产业中占有重要地位,但有色金属新材料产业又是有色金属行业的薄弱环节之一。

    The new material of nonferrous metal owns the important position in the new material industry of Hunan . However , the nonferrous metal new material industry is again one of the weak point of the nonferrous metal industry .

  15. 本文从2006湖南卫视春晚关键词突显其品牌特色入手,探究品牌制胜的原因以及在新形势下湖南卫视的品牌如何进一步强化。

    This paper want to investigate the reason of won trademark from the key words embodied its characteristic of trademark about the Spring festival evening party in 2006.And under the new situation , how should Hunan TV to strengthen its trademark further .

  16. 介绍了中国电信沅江分公司团队建设的现状,并分析了中国电信沅江分公司面临的环境变革,包括中国电信有关基层团队建设的新要求和湖南电信有关基层团队建设的新部署。

    The author introduces the team-building status of Yuanjiang Branch Company of China Telecom . And analyzes environment change faced by Yuanjiang Branch Company of China Telecom , including the new demands on team-building of China Telecom on the grass-roots and new deployment of team-building of Hunan Telecom .

  17. 五四新文化运动在湖南的传播

    The Spread of the New Culture Movement of 1919 in Hunan

  18. 新课改下湖南省普通高校乒乓球选项课教学内容的研究

    New Curriculum in Hunan College Tennis Teaching Content Option Study

  19. 社会主义新农村建设与湖南小城镇发展战略

    Solutions to Socialist New Countryside Construction and the Small Towns ' Development in Hunan Province

  20. 新课改下湖南省初中体育师资现状研究

    Research on the Status Quo of PE Teacher Resources in Hunan Middle Schools under the New Curriculum Reform

  21. 新课程背景下湖南省高考多元化改革研究

    The Research on the Pluralistic Reform of College Entrance Examination in Hunan on the Background of New Curriculum Reform

  22. 建设社会主义新农村,是湖南省缩小城乡收入差距、统筹城乡发展的必然选择。

    That is an inevitable choice to narrow the income gap between urban and rural , to co-ordinate the urban and rural development .

  23. 湖南电视台卫星频道推出的《新青年》是湖南卫视荧屏上一道亮丽的青春风景线。

    " New Youth ", intro-duced by Satellite channel of Hunan TV Station , reveals a bright and brilliant scenery of the youth on its screen .

  24. 作为湖南第二大经济强市的岳阳,在大中型企业改革过程中,职工体育如何适应新的形势,新的环境也是湖南省体育决策部门和理论界普遍关心的问题。

    Yueyang , as the second largest Strong urban economy in Hunan , medium and large enterprises in the process of how workers adapt to the new situation Sports , the new sports policy sector and the environment is also Hunan theorists are generally concerned about .

  25. 并在对历史的回望和总结中,获得新的启发和教益,以此来启迪我们探索新时期湖南茶业的发展。

    Looking back in history and on the summary , get new inspiration and lessons learned in order to enlighten us to explore the New Time OF Hunan tea industry .