
  • 网络New Team
  1. 新团队必须重新审视金融体系,与布什(bush)政府乱七八糟的努力彻底划清界限。

    The new team must look afresh at the financial system and make a clean break with the muddled efforts of the Bush administration .

  2. 在保存您的更改之后,将会出现一个新团队成员的列表,询问您是否想要通过e-mail来向他们发出邀请。

    After saving your changes , you will be presented with a list of the new team members and asked if you want to send them an invitation by e-mail .

  3. 我们一定会怀念我们那个4-D女孩。但是,也希望新团队依旧精彩!

    We will surely miss our4-D girl , but stay strong Wonderfuls !

  4. 法庭文件显示,乔布斯写道,我听说,谷歌手机软件新团队正在连续不断地从我们的iPod团队挖人。

    I am told that Googles new cellphone software group is relentlessly recruiting in our iPod group , Mr. Jobs wrote , according to the court documents .

  5. 时任三年Vertu首席执行官的MassimilianoPogliani表示,是时候将接力棒交给新团队了。

    Massimiliano Pogliani , the company 's chief executive for three years , is believed to have stepped down from his post .

  6. 在纽约从事管理培训的哈恩(LiciaHahn)建议说,想想你能为新团队及其领导者提供什么。

    Think about what you have to offer to the new team and its leader , advises Licia Hahn , an executive coach in New York .

  7. 但库克知道自己的短处,他从健身和时尚界招揽人才,组建了一支新团队,其中包括前博柏利(Burberry)首席执行官安杰拉•阿伦茨(AngelaAhrendts),以及工业设计师马克•纽森(MarcNewson)。

    But Mr Cook is aware of his shortcomings and has drawn on the worlds of fitness and fashion to assemble a new team of talents , including Angela Ahrendts , formerly of Burberry , and industrial designer Marc Newson .

  8. 项目主管通常会创建新团队项目并开始跟踪工作。

    Typically project leads create new team projects and start tracking work .

  9. 我见识到了组建新团队的方式。

    And while I appreciate the necessary protocol in assembling a new team .

  10. 对新团队成员进行有关解决方案需求教育的完美平台。

    A perfect platform for educating new team members about what the solution entails .

  11. 她可以看到谁在她的新团队,并了解他们的角色。

    She can see who is on her new team and learn about their roles .

  12. 团队项目名称通常由“新团队项目生成类型创建向导”定义。

    The team project name is generally defined by the new team build type creation wizard .

  13. 在你任职项目经理期间,你给你的项目团队增加了一名新团队成员。

    During your assignment as project manager you add a new member to your project team .

  14. 我已召集了一个来自相当不同的背景,有著善良、忠诚和能干的新团队。

    I have assembled a fresh team of good-hearted , loyal and competent people from quite different backgrounds .

  15. 请按照向导页上的说明操作,填写新团队项目的名称和其他信息。

    Follow the instructions on the wizard pages filling in the name and other information for the new team project .

  16. 之后,我来到北京,加入了一个政府部门的新团队来推动电子商务的建设。

    Then , I got an offer to come to Beijing and run a new government group to promote e-commerce .

  17. 领导新团队成员的招聘和雇佣(包括已有团队成员的参与和投入)

    Lead the recruitment and hiring of new Team-members ( with the active involvement and input of the existing Team-members )

  18. 在某些情况下,对于用来创建新团队项目的过程模板,您将没有选择余地。

    Under certain circumstances you will not have a choice about the process template used to create a new team project .

  19. 他试图让自己的新团队清晨6点在健身房集合,并对他们集中精力工作的情况评价一番。

    He tried to get his new team to meet at the gym at6am and talk about how focused they were .

  20. 新团队项目使用过程模板创建,该模板定义了所有团队成员将参与的一组角色。

    New team projects are created from a process template that defines a set of roles that all team members will participate in .

  21. 当你所深入挖掘的东西越多即使有些是奇闻轶事你给新团队留下印象时的状态就越好。

    The more research you can do even if its anecdotal the better off youll be when its time to impress your new team .

  22. 小比尔•福特将公司交给穆拉利,2009年,穆拉利派了一只由韩瑞麒领导的新团队来到中国。

    Bill Ford Jr. turned over the reins to Mulally , who sent a new team to China in 2009 led by Joe Hinrichs .

  23. 但奥巴马新团队应该避免重蹈前任的覆辙,在没有经过深思熟虑的情况下就宣布一项计划。

    But the new team should avoid repeating the mistakes of the previous one and announcing a programme before it has been thoroughly thought out .

  24. 这将有助于提升新团队在赤字问题上的信誉,即使华盛顿其他每个人都认同眼下不用考虑赤字。

    That would help give the new team credibility on the deficit , even if everyone else in Washington agrees to ignore it for now .

  25. 如果希望对将来的工作使用某个不同的过程模板,则必须使用该不同过程模板创建新团队项目。

    If you want to use a different process template for future work , you must create a new team project using that different template .

  26. 例如,工作项跟踪插件设置新团队项目的工作项类型、查询和初始工作项。

    For example , the work item tracking plug-in sets up work item types , queries , and initial work items for a new team project .

  27. 此类处理的常见示例是一名开发人员加入新团队并且期望从头开始设置开发环境。

    A common example of such a process is a developer joining a new team and being expected to set up the development environment from scratch .

  28. 描述确定何时创建新团队项目以及项目内所包含内容时应考虑的因素和问题。

    Describes the factors and questions that enter into the decision of when to create a new team project and what to include within the project .

  29. 拉莫斯女士驳斥了这种言论,强调其新团队的人员情况可以说明一切,其中包括许多黑人和南非女性。

    Ms Ramos dismisses the claim , pointing out that the record speaks for itself on her new team , which includes many black and female South Africans .

  30. 有些设置可以在现有团队项目中进行更改,另一些设置则只能通过创建用于继续工作的新团队项目进行更改。

    Some settings can be changed in the existing team project , and others can only be changed by creating a new team project for continuing the work .