
  • 网络new jiangwan city
  1. 如鸟斯革、如翚斯飞&上海新江湾城重点桥梁桥型设计探索

    Flying as Birds & Review on the Bridge Design of Shanghai New Jiangwan City

  2. 摘要上海新江湾城的重点桥梁桥型的设计从自然生态与建设目标出发,从大自然中选萃灵感,使工程与艺术相融合,将工程化的桥梁演绎为梦幻般的景观焦点与观景平台。

    Based on the analysis at natural ecological characteristic and construction target , the design of Shanghai New Jiangwan city , inspired by daedal nature , combines the project with arts and converts the bald bridge to landscape focus and sightseeing platform dreamily .

  3. 新江湾城是原江湾军用机场搬迁后的土地再开发区域。

    New Jiangwan is a redevelopment area after the moving of a military airport .

  4. 上海新江湾城邻里中心方案设计

    Neighborhood service center in New Jiangwan Town

  5. 生态理念在植物群落修复配置和养护中的运用&以上海新江湾城绿地为例

    Ecological Idea 's Application in Plant Community Renovation and Configuration , and Plant Conservation & Taking New Jiangwan Town 's Greenbelt as an Example