
  1. 广州与若干国际中心城市的竞争力比较

    Comparison of Urban Competitiveness between Guangzhou and Several International Central Cities

  2. 国家中心城市的发展瓶颈及解决思路&以东京、伦敦等国际中心城市为例

    Bottlenecks and Solutions to the Construction of National Central Cities : Experience from International Central Cities

  3. 本文以商务成本框架为基础,以世界发达国家及中心城市商务成本为参照,测算了我国中心城市北京和上海的商务成本,并与国际中心城市商务成本进行了比较。

    Based on a business cost structure , this paper estimates the business costs of Beijing and Shanghai , two very important cities in China , and compares these costs with those of 26 large international cities .

  4. 上海正致力于成为亚太地区和西太平洋地区的国际中心城市,90年代上海经济取得了快速发展,城市面貌也是一年一个样,三年大变样。

    As Shanghai is endeavoring to become one of the central cosmopolites in Asia-Pacific and West Pacific region , it witnessed rapid economic growth in the 1990s and profound changes have taken place in the city outlook ever since .

  5. 加入WTO与上海国际经济中心城市发展战略

    The Development Strategies of Shanghai After China Enters WTO

  6. 国际性中心城市规划建设指标体系的比较研究&以上海为例

    Comparison of Planning and Construction Indicators between Shanghai and International Cities

  7. 中国国际性中心城市发展的战略问题研究

    On Strategic Issues of Developing International Central metropolises in China

  8. 北京,打造国际体育中心城市中轴路上的思考&北京国际展览体育中心规划设计竞赛方案

    Thinking on the central axial road ── introduction to Beijing International Exhibition and Sports Center

  9. 今天我们所在的苏黎世就是一个国际金融中心城市。

    The city that hosts todays event , Zurich , is an international financial center .

  10. 建设国际商贸中心城市的技术路线,一是经济服务化;

    The technical route of constructing the international business center city , first , economical service ;

  11. 上海建成国际商务中心城市影响因素分析

    The Analysis in the Factor Concentrating on the Construction of the International Business Center in Shanghai

  12. 此外,运用中心地理论对国际会展中心城市进行了界定与成因分析。

    In addition , we try to define the International Convention & Exhibition Center City and its formation .

  13. 图们江开发区组团式国际性中心城市构想

    A new approach to the construction of the United International Central City in the Tumen River Development Zone

  14. 北京要建设成为世界城市,必须首先成为国际商贸中心城市。

    If Beijing is to build a world city , we must first become an international business center city .

  15. 为更好地发挥技术流动的潜在效益和促进技术创新,正在建设国际经济中心城市的上海应当积极构筑技术高地。

    To accelerate the technology diffusion and technology innovation , it is very important for Shanghai to construct technological highland .

  16. 北京打造国际商贸中心城市,也必须着力于以上四个方面建设。

    Beijing makes the international business center city , we must focus on the above four aspects of the building .

  17. 物流业发展水平高低直接影响着北京实现建设国际商贸中心城市的目标。

    The level of the logistics industry in Beijing is a direct impact on building an international business center city .

  18. 国际商贸中心城市均具备以下特征:有全球影响力的、高度繁荣的标志性现代商业街区;

    International trade center cities have the following characteristics : a global influence , the highly prosperous symbolic modern commercial block ;

  19. 本文在比较研究基础上,论证了北京建设国际商贸中心城市的可能性与可行性;

    This article proved the possibility and the feasibility of Beijing constructing the international business center city in the comparison research ;

  20. 本文认为,上海市要建设国际经济中心城市,必须关注城市产业结构调整、城市功能完善和城市区域空间布局之间的内在关联,并就这三个方面提出了相应的战略对策和举措。

    This paper raises that the development strategy should pay attention to regulating the industrial structure , perfecting the urban function , and integrating the regional space layout .

  21. 以国际金融中心城市&伦敦、纽约和东京的实践经验为依据,概括出建设国际金融中心城市所需要的前提条件。

    Based on the practical experience of the international financial center & London , New York and Tokyo , summarizing the required prerequisites of building an international financial center .

  22. 实证研究部分具体研究结果如下:文章通过专家问卷调查,构建出由八个一级指标、二十九个二级指标和六十九个三级指标所组成的国际体育中心城市评价指标体系。

    The specific results of the demonstration part are as follows : The evaluation index system of international sport city consists of eight primary indexes , twenty-nine secondary indexes and sixty-nine third-class indexes .

  23. 随着北京金融产业发展规划和布局的明确,以及建设国际金融中心城市目标的确立,北京又掀起了一轮金融机构集聚发展的新热潮。

    With the Beijing financial industry development planning carrying out , Beijing municipal government sets a goal of building an international financial center , which has set off a new wave of financial agglomeration .

  24. 一城九镇计划是市政府为有序推进城镇发展,努力构筑特大型国际经济中心城市城镇体系的试点项目。

    While orderly carrying forward urban development , One City with Nine towns as an extra large - scale international economy center of urban system and an experimental project of municipal government appears in Shanghai .

  25. 分析昆明的风景旅游资源,依据城市的发展定位,提出昆明市建设国家园林城市和国际花园中心城市的战略目标。

    This article analyzes the tourism resources of Kunming , and proposes the strategic objective that Kunming should construct itself to be a national garden city and an international central garden city on basis of its urban development orientation .

  26. 上海是国内最有可能成为国际金融中心的城市。

    Shanghai is a city that has the most potential to become an international financial center in China .

  27. 摘要纽约、伦敦、东京、新加坡、北京、上海等国际国内区域中心城市现代服务业发展路径各有千秋。

    International and domestic regional central cities such as new york , london , tokyo , singapore , Beijing and Shanghai boast different developmental paths for modem services industry .

  28. 国际金融中心与大城市群的协同性&兼论上海国际金融中心的建设

    The Cooperation between IFC and Large City Agglomeration : Discussion on the Construction of Shanghai IFC

  29. 建设国际航运中心是上海城市发展的宏伟目标之一。

    The construction of international shipping center is one of main targets of urban development in Shanghai .

  30. 培育国际性的物流中心城市;与其他国家和地区政府加强合作等策略。

    The cultivation of international logistics center cities and logistics corporation with other countries and governments promote the development external logistics system .