
  1. 竹林定向培育与综合利用技术开发&国家星火计划项目实施总结

    Technical Exploitation on Directional Cultivation of Bamboo Stand and Integrate Utilization & Summarization of Implementation of State Spark-Program

  2. 国家星火计划项目之一,其技术已达国际顶尖水平,产品广泛应用于医院心脑电等生理监护领域。

    The technology has reached the top level of the world , so our products are extensively used in the area of physiological monitoring of ECG and EEG .

  3. 该项目技术水平领先,已经国家科技部列入星火计划。

    This project 's technical level is in the lead , which has been already listed into the Xinghuo plan by national technical department .

  4. 此外,我公司生产的箱柜锁,挂锁系列,被国家科委列为星火计划,是锁具制造业传统锁具的换代产品。

    In addition , the company produced Xiangju lock , padlock series , the State Science and Technology Commission as Spark plan , the traditional manufacturing sector is Locks Locks generations .