
  1. 国有矿山企业资本性人才现状与对策

    The Present Situation and Countermeasure of the Capitalized Talent in State Enterprise

  2. 国有矿山企业是开采矿产资源的主体。

    The State-owned mining enterprises are the mainstay in mining mineral resources .

  3. 加速甘肃非国有矿山企业发展的对策建议

    Countermeasures on speeding up the development of non-state-owned mining enterprises in Gansu Province

  4. 煤矿工业正逐步停产。国有矿山企业是开采矿产资源的主体。

    The coal industry is being run down . The State-owned mining enterprises are the mainstay in mining mineral resources .

  5. 国有矿山企业在申请转让采矿权前,应当征得矿山企业主管部门的同意。

    A state-owned mining enterprise should , prior to the application for the transfer of mining right , obtain the consent of the competent department of mining enterprises .

  6. 国有矿山企业转让采矿权时,还应当提交有关主管部门同意转让采矿权的批准文件。

    A state-owned mining enterprise should , in transferring the mining right , present the approval document of the competent department concerned on consenting to the transfer of the mining right .

  7. 地方各级人民政府应当采取措施,维护本行政区域内的国有矿山企业和其他矿山企业矿区范围内的正常秩序。

    The local people 's governments at various levels shall adopt measures to maintain normal order in the mining areas of state-owned mining enterprises and other mining enterprises within their respective administrative areas .

  8. 对国有矿山企业的现代化企业制度模式进行了深层次研究,提出了矿产资源资产化管理的实施办法,以及基于该理论的矿山股份制改造实施策略。

    It develops deep research in the model of modern enterprise policies of mine in further step , puts forward implementing means of assets management on mineral resources and the implementing policies of reconstructing stock system for mines .

  9. 单位和个人进入他人依法设立的国有矿山企业和其他矿山企业矿区范围内采矿的,依照前款规定处罚。

    Any units or individuals who enter and mine in the mining areas of state-owned mining enterprises and other mining enterprises established by others in accordance with law shall be punished in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph .

  10. 地质矿产主管部门、地质工作单位和国有矿山企业应当按照积极支持、有偿互惠的原则向集体矿山企业和个体采矿提供地质资料和技术服务。

    Departments in charge of Geology and mineral resources , geological units and state-owned mining enterprises shall , on the principles of vigorous support and mutual benefit , provide , with compensation , geological data and technical services to collectively-owned mining enterprises and privately-owned mining undertakings .

  11. 目前,由于资源枯竭、机制呆板、环境恶化等原因,多数矿山企业,特别是国有大型矿山企业,出现了不同程度的生存困境。

    At the moment , because of the resource exhaustion , stereotyped regime , environmental degradation and other reasons , most of the mine enterprises , especially in large state-owned mining enterprises , have different degree dilemmas of existence .

  12. 积长期在国有大型矿山企业从事内部考核管理工作之经验,认为企业管理效能的高低,始终受制于内部考核机制。

    Based on the experience of examination and administration over a long period of time inside large state mining enterprise , to thinking , the high or low usefulness of business administration was manipulated by examination mechanism to inside from start to finish .

  13. 我国有大量的矿山企业,但由于理念和技术手段落后,在资产管理上存在有很多问题。

    Because of the ideas and techniques behind the existence of the asset management , Mining companies in China have many problems of asset management .