
  • 网络landslide control
  1. 滑坡防治措施定量与非定量分类及探讨

    Quantitative and qualitative classification and discussion on the landslide control measures

  2. 铁路滑坡防治原则与防治方案的选择

    The Principle and Project Choice of Landslide Control along China Railway

  3. 山西省高速公路滑坡防治方案探讨

    The Study on Treatment Plan of Expressway Slide in Shanxi Province

  4. 对滑坡防治工程相关规范中渗流问题的研究

    Study of seepage flow for Chinese design codes of landslide stabilization

  5. 滑坡防治措施的现状和发展

    Present situation and future development of prevention and harnessing of landslide

  6. 基于遗传算法滑坡防治方案优化的研究

    Study on Optimization of Treatment Projects for Slopes Using Genetic Algorithm

  7. 多段地基系数法及其在滑坡防治中的应用

    Application of many segments groundsill coefficient method on landslide prevention

  8. 北京山区泥石流与滑坡防治研究

    Debris Flow and Landslide Disasters Control in Mountain Area of Beijing City

  9. 滑坡防治的基本原则和工程措施。

    Basic principle for preventing landslide and its engineering measures .

  10. 抗滑桩是滑坡防治的主要工程措施之一。

    Anti-slide pile is one of main engineering measures for landslide protection .

  11. 滑坡防治预应力锚索的试验研究

    The test and research of prestressing anchor cable for control of landslide

  12. 滑坡防治工程概念设计方法探讨

    Discussion on conceptual design method applied in the landslide control project design

  13. 崩塌滑坡防治施工监测与治理效果

    Monitoring during construction of prevention works for landslides and the effect analysis

  14. 滑坡防治勘察设计一体化问题的思考

    Consideration of the Problem about Integration of Survey and Design in Landslide Control

  15. 长江三峡工程库区滑坡防治思维方式暨策略

    Thinking Mode and Strategy of Landslide Control in Yangtze Three-Gorge Project Reservoir Area

  16. 滑坡防治工程措施研究现状与应用综述

    Status of research and application of engineering measures for preventing and controlling landslide

  17. 元磨高速公路的滑坡防治浅析

    Analysis on the Prevention of Landslide in Yuan-Mo Expressway

  18. 黄石市板岩山二中滑坡防治工程设计

    Control design on the second middle school landslide in banyan mountain , Huangshi City

  19. 浅析影响露天矿边坡稳定主要因素及滑坡防治

    Open-cut coal mine slope stability analysis of the main factors and landslide prevention measures

  20. 土工建筑物滑坡防治

    Prevention and treatment for sliding of earth structure

  21. 滑坡防治工程效果的模糊综合后评价研究

    Post-fuzzy comprehensive evaluation of effectiveness of landslide control

  22. 巴东新县城区滑坡防治设计思考

    Study on prevention and design for landslides in the new County-site town of Badong

  23. 三峡工程移民区滑坡防治与利用技术研究

    Landslide control and utilization of measure ment in immigrant settlement region of Three Gorges Project

  24. 青海高原滑坡防治工程评述

    Discussion of Landslide Controlling on Qinghai Plateau

  25. 滑坡防治方案的选择与优化

    Choice and optimization of landslide control plan

  26. 三峡库区滑坡防治工程设计中的若干问题

    Some issues in the design of landslide control works in the Three Gorges reservoir area

  27. 我国铁路路基滑坡防治

    Landslide Control of Railway Lines in China

  28. 某高速公路滑坡防治工程的探讨

    Discussion on Slide Treatment of Freeway

  29. 205国道武平县十方金鸡岭滑坡防治

    Prevention and Treatment of the Sliding Slope on Jingji Hill of National Road 205 in Wuping Country

  30. 本文的研究成果丰富了灾害预报理论,为滑坡防治提供了新的理论和方法。

    The result of this paper enrich the disaster theory to take the new theory and method .