
huá jī mó fǎnɡ
  • parody;spoof;imitation;burlesque;impression;send-up;take-off
  1. 德彪西滑稽模仿对文化内涵的拓展

    Debussy , Parody : An Expansion of Cultural Connotation

  2. 认为:恶搞与山寨的范围大于滑稽模仿,在法律性质上也比滑稽模仿更具复杂性。

    Think that the scope of practical jokes and imitations are many more than parody , and more complexity than parody in the legal nature .

  3. 这是对恐怖片的滑稽模仿。

    It 's a spoof on horror movies .

  4. 他对肖恩·康纳利和詹姆斯·梅森进行了滑稽模仿。

    He did impressions of Sean Connery and James Mason .

  5. 但是,莱特曼作为NBC《深夜秀》、后来是CBS节目主持人的舞台角色,是脱口秀体裁的单人滑稽模仿。

    But Mr. Letterman 's onstage persona , as host of " Late Night " at NBC , and later at CBS , was a one-man sendup of the talk-show genre .

  6. 莱特曼于1993年加盟CBS,一年后,HBO推出了《拉里·桑德斯秀》(TheLarrySandersShow),那是对《今夜秀》幕后情节的滑稽模仿剧,由加里·赡德令(GarryShandling)扮演缺乏信心、又自我陶醉的脱口秀主持人。

    Mr. Letterman joined CBS in 1993 , a year after HBO introduced " The Larry Sanders Show , " a behind-the-scenes parody of " The Tonight Show " that starred Garry Shandling as an insecure , self-absorbed talk-show host .

  7. 胡戈《一个馒头引发的血案》是中国后现代文化的典型文本,戏仿(parody)是滑稽模仿(burlesque)的特殊类型,是后现代创作的表现手法之一。

    Hu Ge 's A Bloody Incident Triggered by A Steamed Bun is typical of Chinese postmodern culture . Parody is one of special types of burlesque , and is the performance of postmodern creative tactic .

  8. 滑稽模仿源于西方,最早出现在文学领域。

    Parody was derived from Western and initial emerged in literature field .

  9. 他们用嘲弄讥讽或滑稽模仿来取笑他们。

    They make fun of them through ridicule , satire , or burlesque .

  10. 他对总统作了逼真的滑稽模仿。

    He did a brilliant impression of the President .

  11. 模仿诗文:一种为取得喜剧或嘲讽效果,而对某一艺术作品进行的滑稽模仿。

    A humorous imitation of a work of art for comic effect or ridicule .

  12. 对莎士比亚十四行诗、歌剧咏叹调、著名政治家演说的滑稽模仿

    A parody of a Shakespearian sonnet , an operatic aria , a well-known politician

  13. 现代音乐中的滑稽模仿

    The Parody in Modern Music

  14. 滑稽模仿作为一种作曲手法,在现代音乐中给予音乐的历史意识以独特解读,更突出其艺术革新的作用。

    As a modern composition technique , Parody interprets the historical meaning of music and invokes renovation in modern music .

  15. 本文通过对于现代音乐作品中不同意味滑稽模仿的分析,试图探究现代音乐的文化内涵。

    Through an analysis of the different co-notational parody of works of modern music , the article tries to explore its cultural connotation .

  16. 人们放弃了过去一个世纪的政治宗教,转向各种传统信仰,但不幸的是,这些信仰常常是对基要主义的滑稽模仿。

    The Political Religions of the past century are being given up in favour of varieties often , sadly , fundamentalist caricatures of traditional faiths .

  17. 对于滑稽模仿的著作权法保护,世界上大多数国家经过长期的理论研究和司法实践,已经形成了较为完备的法律规范。

    As the copyright of parody , most of the countries were forming a complete legal norm pass through long-term theoretical research and juridical practice .

  18. 金酸莓奖创始人约翰-威尔森表示,尽管《吸血鬼了没》是对《暮色》的滑稽模仿,但《暮色3:月食》看起来更好笑。

    Razzies founder John Wilson said that though " Vampires Suck " was a " Twilight " spoof ," Eclipse " actually was funnier to watch .

  19. 这个词可以作为停顿或冒号:将一件小事渲染成充斥着滑稽模仿和揣测的短剧时,这个词用起来很方便。

    It can be used as a pause or a colon : very handy for spinning out a mere anecdote into a playlet thats full of parody and speculation .

  20. 商标合理使用可分为五类,即叙述性合理使用、指示性合理使用、滑稽模仿、新闻报道和评论、字辞典收录。

    Trademark fair use be classified into five types , they are the descriptive fair use , indicative fair use , parody , news report and commentary and dictionary embodying .

  21. 由于著作权的合理使用制度能够有效的平衡不同利益主体间的关系,在滑稽模仿盛行之际,允许滑稽模仿适用合理使用制度就具有积极意义。

    The fair use doctrine of copyright law can effectively balance the relationship between different stakeholders in the occasion of popular parody , so application of fair use for parody is positive .

  22. 恶搞作品不是著作权法规定的演绎作品,而是滑稽模仿作品,它不侵犯被恶搞者的著作权。

    Works of spoof are not derivative works as are defined in the Intellectual Property Law , but works of parody , which do not infringe upon the copyright of original writers .

  23. 扮演黑人的化妆滑稽模仿黑人的传统喜剧的化妆,尤其是在黑脸歌唱团表演中戏剧的特点是拥有独特的唱腔、优美的表演、丰富的配乐、滑稽可笑的喜剧演员。

    Makeup for a conventionalized comic travesty of Black people , especially in a minstrel show . The opera features unique solo singing , refined acting , rich percussion and funny comedians .

  24. 尽管我国古代就已出现滑稽模仿作品,但是我国著作权法律规范至今仍未对此有过明确的规定,法学界也没有给予滑稽模仿应有的关注。

    Although there has parody writings appeared in ancient China , our country still have no explicit regulations within copyright of legal norm and law circles pay little attention on parody either .

  25. 但其也有若干例外,主要包括比较广告、滑稽模仿及新闻报道或词典编纂等有正当理由时使用他人商标。

    However , there are some exceptions to dilution , mainly including use of trademarks of the others in comparative advertisement , parody , news report and comment , lexicography with legal reasons .

  26. 剪切技术、网络传播技术的发展推动了滑稽模仿的盛行,由于滑稽模仿的对象、表现形态的多样化,使得滑稽模仿业已成为一种新的流行文化。

    With the cutting technology , network communication technology promoting , the parody becomes popular . The object and patterns of the parody diversified , now the parody has become a new popular culture .

  27. 但是,纳博科夫和现代主义者的关系不只是,他对艾略特的滑稽模仿,也不只是和普鲁斯特,复杂的吸引和不认同。

    But , Nabokov 's relationship to this modernist past is not just the burlesque that he visits on Eliot , is not just this complicated attraction and dis-identification that he works on with Proust .

  28. 国际公约和欧美许多国家对这一制度都有规定,并把其划分为不同类型,叙述性合理使用、指示性合理使用以及滑稽模仿等都是其典型的表现形式。

    There are provisions about this system in international convention and some west countries . It is divided into different types , descriptive fair use , indicative fair use and parody are all typical forms .

  29. 本文从滑稽模仿区别与著作权侵权,以及它对在先作品进行转换性使用而构成新的、独立的作品等两个方面界定了滑稽模仿的合法性界限。

    This paper defines legal limit of parody , by demonstrating the difference between copyright infringement and parody and the fact that parody is a kind of new and unique work by transformative use of original version .

  30. 纵观西方文学发展史,戏仿的内涵一直处于不断的变化之中,在元小说作家创作之前,作为滑稽模仿的代言,戏仿之作深陷抄袭或二手文学的泥潭,屡屡遭人诟病。

    Throughout the history of Western literature , parody of the content has been changing . As the endorsement of Parody , it often used to be thought as copy or used literature and often there were many comments .