
huá luò
  • backfall;slough;plane;slip
滑落 [huá luò]
  • (1) [slough]∶从线轴或其他包装或缠结中滑脱

  • 纱滑落

  • (2) [plane]∶好像在一个斜面上往下滑动

  • 朝着它滑落下去,几分钟后就能看出那是一条船

滑落[huá luò]
  1. 船的系泊绳索滑落,船漂向大海。

    The boat slipped its moorings and drifted out to sea .

  2. 重要的是别让产量滑落。

    It is important not to let production levels fall .

  3. 她看着金尼,泪水滑落脸庞。

    She looked at Ginny and tears rolled down her cheeks .

  4. 她一把扯下连衣裙,任其滑落到地上。

    She ripped off her dress and let it fall to the floor

  5. 那整整一摞东西动了一下后滑落下来,嘭的一声全掉到了地上。

    The entire pile shifted and slid , thumping onto the floor .

  6. 锤子从她的手中滑落。

    The hammer slipped out of her grasp .

  7. 在久远的过去,岩石板滑落到周边,从而形成了这个洞。

    Slabs of rock had slipped sideways in the remote past , and formed this hole .

  8. 他能做的只有不让快乐的泪水滑落脸庞。

    It was all he could do to stop tears of mirth falling down his cheeks .

  9. 瓶子从他的手中滑落。

    The bottle slipped out of his hand .

  10. 就在这巨痛和吃惊之际,我的双枪响了,随即枪也从手中滑落。掉下去的不光是两枝枪。

    In the terrible pain and surprise of the moment , both my pistols went off and fell from my hands .

  11. 船身断裂,惊恐万分的人们从巨大的甲板上滑落,掉入海中,有的试图爬上救生艇,3D效果更增强了这一场景的戏剧性刺激。

    Three dimensions enhance the drama of a rupturing hull and the horror of people sliding helplessly across the massive deck , falling into the ocean or trying to climb on the lifeboats .

  12. IMF公布了最近向20国集团(G20)各国部长发出的简报,称美国滑落财政悬崖将产生巨大的国际溢出效应。

    Releasing a recent note to ministers from G20 countries , the fund said going over the cliff would have large international spillovers .

  13. 斯洛文尼亚位于C组榜首。但是当美国队在与阿尔及利亚比赛的伤停补时阶段进了关键的一球,战胜了阿尔及利亚,而斯洛文尼亚又0:1输给英格兰之后,这支勇敢的球队滑落到第三位,提前回国。

    Slovenia was at the top of Group C. But the team fell to third place and an early flight home after the United States scored the winning goal against Algeria during injury time and Slovenia lost to England 1-0 .

  14. 有报道称,中国一季度gdp增长滑落至历史低点,这给市场带来了更多的不确定性不过分析师表示,环比数据可能显示出复苏的迹象。

    More uncertainty for the markets came from reports that Chinese annual GDP growth had slipped to a record low in the first quarter although analysts suggested quarter-on-quarter figures might point to a recovery .

  15. 影片《独行侠》(TheLoneRanger)上周末滑落至第五名,票房收入1140万美元,两周来的北美本土总票房达到7110万美元。

    Meanwhile , ' The Lone Ranger ' slipped to fifth place , collecting $ 11.4 million and taking its two-week domestic total to $ 71.1 million .

  16. 根据IDC的说法,中国在一段时间内还将是智能手机销量的第一大市场,不过它的市场份额预计会在2019年滑落至23.1%。

    China would remain the largest market for smartphone volumes for some time but its market share was expected to fall to 23.1 per cent in 2019 , according to IDC .

  17. 之前一个周末的票房冠军《白雪公主与猎人》(SnowWhiteandtheHuntsman)滑落到了第三位,在刚刚过去的周末获得了2300万美元的票房收入,全球票房累计收入达1.82亿美元。

    Last weekend 's No. 1 film , " Snow White and the Huntsman , " fell to third place , earning $ 23 million over the weekend , and bringing its cumulative world-wide grosses to $ 182 million .

  18. 同年,互联网用户的批评迫使一条立邦漆(Nippon)广告的创意人员作了道歉,在这条广告中,一条龙从柱子上滑落下来。

    In the same year , criticism from internet users forced an apology from the creators of a Nippon paint advert that featured a dragon slipping down a pillar .

  19. 在过去6年中,欧洲有5年位居ecm发行排行榜首或次席,今年滑落至第三位,亚太地区位居首位,美国名列第二。

    While Europe has held the top or second position in five of the past six years for ECM volumes , this year it fell to third , with Asia Pacific taking top spot and the Americas second .

  20. PMI数值向代表着制造业扩张与收缩的分界线50%滑落意味着,由于内需低迷,中国工厂实际上已经停止增长。

    In dipping towards the 50 line , which demarcates expansion from contraction in the PMI , the survey result means that Chinese factories have virtually stopped growing , weighed down by lacklustre domestic demand .

  21. 数据显示awesome一词在2014年的出现频率为72次/百万词,与之相比,marvelous的使用频率则从20年前的155次/百万词滑落到2次/百万词。

    Figures show that in 2014 the word ' awesome ' appears 72 times per million words compared to ' marvellous ' , which has fallen in use from 155 times per million 20 years ago to only two times per million today .

  22. 要想恢复对欧元区外围国家的竞争力,欧元可能需要大幅贬值比如说,向着与美元平价滑落;但考虑到德国的贸易实力和欧洲央行(ecb)的强硬政策,欧元不太可能大幅下挫。

    The euro could fall sharply in value towards say parity with the US dollar , to restore competitiveness to the periphery ; but a sharp fall of the euro is unlikely given the trade strength of Germany and the hawkish policies of the European Central Bank .

  23. 当我们仍然没有进入实现阶段,并且花费大量的时间在类图、原型、场景等等上时,ASDI的信心有所滑落。

    Confidence started to wane when we weren 't yet in an all-out implementation phase and appeared to be spending too much time on class diagrams , prototypes , scenarios , and so on .

  24. 本研究采用光纤激光多普勒测速仪(LDV),通过两列信号处理系统,同时测定了气体和颗粒局部速度,研究了低密度循环流化床提升管内局部滑落速度的变化规律。

    The local slip velocity between gas and solid in the riser of dilute circulating fluidized bed was investigated through the simultaneous measurements of local gas velocity and particle velocity by means of a fiber optic probe Laser Doppler Velocimetry ( LDV ) .

  25. 结果:该队平均打击率滑落到0.217。

    Result : The team batting average plummets to . 217 .

  26. 但是,在星期二公布的报告中,它的地位已经明显滑落。

    But it dropped another spot in the report released Tuesday .

  27. 分形几何在研究层状岩体断裂滑落中的应用

    Application of fractal geometry in the fracture-sliding of stratified rock mass

  28. 电梯超载滑落故障的原因分析与预防

    Analyze and Prevent the Slide Failure of Elevator Caused by Overload

  29. 就在那个时候,乳牛从屋顶滑落了下去。

    At that moment the cow went sliding off the roof .

  30. 我训练着微笑,去掩饰那悄然滑落的泪水。

    I trained a smile , to hide the falling tears .