
  • 网络slip band;PSB
  1. 中温回复下疲劳Cu单晶体驻留滑移带的演变

    Evolution of Persistent Slip Bands in Fatigued Copper Single Crystals Under Intermediate Temperature Recovery

  2. 疲劳Cu单晶驻留滑移带的演化及其内应力场

    Evolution of persistent slip bands and its internal stress field in a fatigued copper single crystal

  3. C崩解&滑移带层;斜坡抗滑结构的地质工程分析


  4. 地震解析和GPS测量资料表明,这条滑移带现今仍然十分活跃。

    Seismic data and GPS measurement indicate that the zone is still very active .

  5. 持续滑移带的物理损伤效应对Al单晶体裂纹启裂的影响

    Influence of physical damage effect of PSB on crack initiation in Al single crystal

  6. 本文对纯镍多晶体循环形变过程中位错结构,特别是驻留滑移带(PSB)的形成及特性进行了TEM研究,并用选区电子衍射确定了晶粒膜面及其它晶体学取向。

    The dislocation microstructure and , in particular , the formation of persistent slipbands ( PSBs ) as well as their characteristics of in the cyclic deformation of Ni polycrystal were studied by transmission electron microscopy ( TEM ) .

  7. 耐磨材料的显微分析D滑移带层;

    Microanalyses of Wear - Resistant Materials sliding layer ( D );

  8. D滑移带层;窜货的效应分析

    Sliding layer ( D ); Analysis on Domino Effect of Cross Region Sale

  9. 滑坡勘察中关键问题是滑移带及其力学参数的确定。

    The determination of slip bed and its mechanical parameters are keys to landslide investigation .

  10. 腰间艺术D滑移带层;

    BELT ART sliding layer ( D );

  11. 因而每循环的裂纹增长正比于滑移带强度。

    Crack growth per cycle is thus proportional to the strength of the slip hand .

  12. 裂纹沿剧烈滑移带或原母相的晶界扩展长大。

    Cracks can propagate along the heavy slip bands and the original austenite grain boundary .

  13. 循环变形铜单晶体的滞后回线形状变化与驻留滑移带的萌生

    Changes of hysteresis loop shape and nucleation of persistent slip band in cyclically deformed copper single crystals

  14. 滑移带间距为1&3μm,带与带之间基本上无塑性变形。

    There is a 1 ~ 3 μ m gap of no plastic deformation between the slip bands .

  15. 还对试样表面滑移带的结构和分布进行了观察。

    The structure of the deformation bands was observed and photographed by a microscope with a camera accessory .

  16. 滑移带是导致飞机镜面蒙皮报废的主要原因之一。

    Slip band is one of the main causes for faulty parts in stretch forming of airplane mirror skins .

  17. 通常认为这些模型在疲劳破坏区的剪应力是疲劳裂纹萌生的控制量,其中较为典型的是滑移带挤入挤出的线性位错偶极子模型。

    Most of these models show that shear stress within the fatigue failure zone controls the initiation of fatigue cracks .

  18. 而当驻留滑移带能够连续穿过小角度晶界时,则不产生位错塞积和萌生沿晶界疲劳裂纹。

    However , low-angle GBs do not produce fatigue cracks because the dislocations can be transferred through the GBs by PSBs .

  19. 细观离面变形与滑移带、细观组织及细观结构密切相关。

    Out of surface deformation at mesoscopic level is closely related to the persistent slip bands ( PSB ), meso textures and meso structures .

  20. 疲劳断口分析显示,随着驻留滑移带的扩展逐渐萌生裂纹,在交变应力作用下最终导致失效。

    Fatigue fracture analysis shows that failure occurs at the condition of alternative stress with crack formation resulting from propagation of stayed slide zone .

  21. 搅拌摩擦焊接头具有细小的等轴晶粒和狭窄的热影响区,阻碍了滑移带的形成和裂纹的扩展,从而提高了接头的疲劳性能。

    Fatigue behavior of the joint was improved due to fine equiaxed grain and narrow heat effect zone inhibiting formation of slide-zone and propagation of crack .

  22. 结果发现因为石墨膨胀造成铜箔拉裂的为脆性断裂。且有滑移带。

    The results show that the broken type is brittle rupture , there are slip bands , and the caused reason is the expanding of graphite .

  23. 沿晶界疲劳开裂与否与驻留滑移带和晶界的交互作用方式密切相关,而与晶界结构本身无关。

    It is suggested that intergranular fatigue cracking strongly depends on the interaction mode of PSBs with GBs , while the GB structure itself plays a much less role .

  24. 直接的观察证据表明:各种随机大角度晶界的疲劳开裂归因于驻留滑移带对晶界的撞击作用及随后的位错塞积;

    Evidence by direct observations indicates that fatigue cracking always nucleated along various random large-angle GBs due to impingement of persistent slip bands ( PSBs ) and pile-up of dislocations .

  25. 但当外力较大,且裂纹扩展距离较长使裂尖应力集中足够大时,不但能诱发马氏体相变,也可出现滑移带。

    When the external load was relatively big , the crack relatively long , thus the concentrated stress big enough , not only the martensite transformation , but also the slip bands are induced .

  26. 人们对疲劳过程中材料的微观组织结构变化已进行了大量的表象的研究,但是这些变化与材料损伤程度之间的关系却是不很明确的,特别是由驻留滑移带转化为微观裂纹这一阶段。

    For fatigue damage , plenty research work on phenomenological observations by optical and e-lectron microscope has been done . But the dislocation structure changes are not closely related to the macro-property changes of materials .

  27. 本文把多晶体材料中的滑移带和形变孪晶带当做片状夹架,采用位错连续分布方法,导出了脆性开裂的一些重要结果。

    In this paper slip or twin bands in polycrystalline materials are considered as inclusion plates , and based on the continuous distribution method of dislocations , some important results of brittle cracking are deduced .

  28. 橄榄石位错组态多样,有自由位错、位错壁、位错弓弯、缠结、{110}滑移带,反映了上地幔的塑性变形特征。

    Varieties of dislocations are present in the olivine , such as free dislocation , dislocation wall , dislocation bow , tangle , and ( 110 ) sliding system , indicating the plastic deformation features of the upper mantle .

  29. 一般来说,当复合材料内部颗粒的排布有利于位错自由滑移带形成和发展时,压痕硬度显著降低,反之亦然。

    Generally , the nominal hardness decreases as soon as the particle distribution in PR-MMCs is in favor of formation and development of long free slip bands ,, and vice versa , regardless of the particle size . 4 .

  30. 结果表明加筋边坡呈现出与素土边坡不同的破坏形态,筋材拉伸模量和加筋密度不同,剪切滑移带形态也不相同。

    The finite element results showed that the slopes with and without reinforcements differed greatly in the patterns of shear bands , and the reinforced slopes with different density and modulus also resulted in various patterns of shear bands .