
  • 网络updo;Disc
  1. 透着干练、优雅的盘发就很适合你,它也能为意欲攀登权力顶峰的你增添不少的法码。

    It also helps to add a few more inches of formidable height for the raw power of it all .

  2. 记住,你不是去参加宴会,不需要盘发或烫发,也不要展示你的刘海。

    You are not going to attend a formal party and have your hair rolled up or produce curly styles .

  3. 可利用盘发增加高度,而且要在如何使头发秀气、精致下功夫。

    Made available to increase the height of plate , but also in how to make hair delicate , refined efforts .

  4. 凯特穿上800英镑的蕾丝裙,配上正式的盘发,匆匆赴约和印度首相共进午餐。

    Kate was whisked away to have lunch with the Indian Prime Minister in an £ 800 lace dress paired with a formal chignon .

  5. 长发的流行趋势一直持续到上世纪的60、70年代,直到奥黛丽·赫本用别致的上卷式盘发替代了中分的长发型。

    This fashion for long hair continued through the1960s and1970s , with Audrey Hepburn 's chic up-do giving way to the long , centre-parted hippy look .

  6. 以留简单的短发为好,但对直长发、长波浪、束发、盘发、中短发式也可酌情运用。

    To stay in a simple short hair as well , but straight hair , long wavy , hair , set hair , short hair can also be in the discretion to use .

  7. 我们有各种各样的发型,如迷你式、高贵式、马尾式、后掠式、盘发式、齐肩式等等。

    We have various kinds of patterns , such as mini style , noble style , horse ? tail style , hair sweptback , chaplet hair style , shoulder ? length hair style and so on .

  8. 单人婚礼是一个为期两天的短途旅行,客户在晚间入住旅馆,在这里,公司会为其适配礼服、设计花束、盘发和化妆,甚至拍摄一套完整的照片。

    A Solo Wedding is a two-day excursion where clients spend the night in a hotel as they go in for dress fittings , bouquet design , hair and make-up , and even a full photo shoot .

  9. 这款优雅脱俗的高领蕾丝裙剪裁精细,与正式的盘发相得益彰。凯特和威廉在新德里的派对上手握刀剑切开给女王特制的蛋糕,庆祝女王90岁生日。

    Kate 's ethereal lace dress was high necked and the severity of its cut was echoed by the formal chignon . Kate and William use a sword to cut a special cake for the Queen at a party to celebrate her 90th in New Delhi .