
  • 网络Disk Galaxy
  1. 盘状星系的三维基态

    On the basic state of disk galaxy with finite thickness

  2. 盘状星系形成中的角动量问题

    The Angular Momentum Problems in Disk Galaxy Formation

  3. 有限厚度的盘状星系中物质密度的分布

    On the distribution of matter within disk galaxies with finite thickness

  4. 盘状星系形成和演化的半解析研究

    Semi-analytic Modelling on the Formation and Evolution of Disk Galaxies

  5. 三维盘状星系的星系盘物质分布模型

    The Model of Whole Disk of Three Dimensional Disk Galaxies

  6. 盘状星系结构与自转统计

    The statistics of structure and rotation of disk galaxies

  7. 盘状星系中星际气体的三维分布

    Three-dimensional distribution of interstellar gas in disk-shaped galaxies

  8. 盘状星系的颜色星等关系

    The Color-Magnitude Relation of Disk Galaxies

  9. 观测指出,盘状星系有两个主要组成部分,中心椭球和外盘。

    Observations show that discoid galaxies consist of two main components : central spheroid and outer disk .

  10. 本文从密度波理论出发,讨论三维盘状星系的旋臂结构。

    In this paper we discuss the spiral structure of dish galaxies in three-dimension according to the density wave theory .

  11. 同时,从三维盘状星系密度波的稳定性讨论推出了径向速度弥散度的变化规律。

    We also obtain the variation of the radial dispersion of velocities with r through the stability of the density wave in three-dimensional dishlike galaxies .

  12. 在早型的以发光天体为主体的盘状星系中,根据光度分布规律可以得到面密度分布。

    The mass distribution of surface density can be derived from the laws of surface luminosity distribution for earlier-type discoid galaxies , of which the main contents are bright .

  13. 它们是:1.盘状星系大尺度棒状不稳定性,2.死晕与活晕和盘状成份的相互作用,3.旋涡星系中球状成分的分布对旋涡结构的影响,4.互扰星系。

    Four subjects are dealt with : 1 . the large-scale bar instability in disk galaxies , 2 . the interaction between the disk component and dead or live halo , 3 . the influence of spherical component in spiral galaxies upon spiral structure , 4 . interacting galaxies .

  14. 具有核球和盘的盘状星系三维质量分布

    Three-dimensional Mass Distribution in Discoid Galaxies With Both Bulge and Disk