
  1. 本文在Clohessy-Wiltshir方程的基础上,研究了双冲量最小能量交会轨道,导出了△v(ωτ)的解析式。

    Based on the Clohessy-Wiltshire equations , this PaPer investigates the rendezvous trajectories for minimum energy by two applied impulses .

  2. 结合固定时间单脉冲多圈Lambert交会轨道,应用非最优主矢量理论、非最优轨道改进方法与非线性规划方法,提出了远程多脉冲最优交会策略。

    With the single-impulse multiple-revolution Lambert rendezvous trajectory , the optimal long-distance multiple-impulse rendezvous strategy is proposed by applying the non-optimal primer vector theory , the methods improving non-optimal trajectory and nonlinear programming approach .

  3. 航天飞机最优交会轨道及其控制

    The Optimal Orbit of Rendezvous and Controls for Space Shuttles

  4. 小行星探测最优两脉冲交会轨道设计与分析

    Design and Analyze Optimum Two-Impulse Transfer Trajectory for Exploring Asteroids

  5. 混合遗传算法在远程交会轨道设计中的应用

    The Application of Hybrid Genetic Algorithms in Orbit Design for Long-range Rendezvous

  6. 一种有限推力航天器交会轨道的鲁棒设计方法

    A Robust Orbit Design Method for Thrust-Limited Spacecraft Rendezvous

  7. 气动辅助空间交会最优轨道设计与闭环导引律

    Optimal Trajectories Design and Closed-loop Guidance Law Study for Aero-assisted Space Rendezvous

  8. 考虑能量、时间、视线等约束条件,基于微分方程法研究了近程自主交会滑移轨道设计方法。

    Considering constraints of energy , time and line-of-sight angle , a near-range autonomous rendezvous glidescope orbit design method is studied based on the differential equation method .

  9. 再次,研究了近程交会相对轨道控制、姿态控制及交会安全问题。

    The project shows good autonomous and robust performances from the simulation results . Third , the relative orbit control , attitude control and the rendezvous safety questions of near-distance rendezvous are studied .

  10. 根据目标飞行器轨道高度和追踪飞行器入轨轨道高度,给出了目标飞行器交会对接轨道初始相位的设计方法。

    According to the target spacecraft ′ s orbit height and the chaser spacecraft ′ s orbit height , the design method of the target ′ s initial phase for the rendezvous orbit was presented .

  11. 论文的研究成果具有一定的理论和实践价值,在我国载人航天二期交会对接轨道方案设计中得到了较充分的应用。

    The achievements of this dissertation are valuable both in theoretical research and operational application , and are used in the trajectory design of rendezvous and docking for the second step of China manned spaceflight project .

  12. 空间交会对接轨道控制方法的研究,对我国空间技术进一步发展起到重要的推动作用。因为轨道控制方法的优劣直接关系到整个交会对接过程的成败。

    The research on orbital control method for space rendezvous and docking has an important role in promoting our space technology , because the pros and cons of orbital control method directly relate to the success or failure of the whole rendezvous and docking process .

  13. 文中提出了一种新的算法,解决了航天器多圈Lambert变轨的求解问题,由此来寻求在飞行时间较长的情况下,航天器的Lambert交会燃料最优轨道;

    This paper issues a new algorithm , which can solve the problem about loopy Lambert transfer of spacecraft . Then the result is applied to search for the orbit of Lambert transfer of spacecraft whose fuel penalty is optimal under the condition of long-time flight .

  14. 所有结果可用于研究卫星拦截、交会和卫星轨道转移。

    All The results can be used to study interception , rendezvous and transfer orbit of satellite .

  15. 高轨目标交会的飞行轨道一般可分为两类:一类是被动飞行轨道,该阶段的飞行时间占据了整个交会飞行任务的大部分。

    The flight path about the high target orbit rendezvous mission can be generally divided into two categories : One is the coast flight phase . The time of this flight phase occupies most of the rendezvous mission .

  16. 本文系统分析了高轨目标交会飞行任务的轨道机动策略,对各飞行阶段进行了研究分析。

    This paper systematically analysis the orbital maneuver strategy of high target orbit rendezvous mission on each flight phase .

  17. 本文介绍了将智能控制方法用于航天器交会对接段的轨道控制。

    The method of intelligent control applied to the orbital control of rendezvous and docking phase of spacecraft is presented in this paper .

  18. 仿真结果表明,所提出的故障对策能很好的应对寻的段的各种机动故障。(4)编写了交会对接寻的段轨道控制仿真系统。

    The simulation results show that these countermeasures can deal with these maneuver failures well . ( 4 ) The simulation system of homing phase in RVD is developed .

  19. 最后本文通过全轨道动力学仿真,验证了基于高轨目标交会飞行任务的轨道机动策略是可行的。

    The main consideration is the orbital control precision of orbit maneuver . Finally , through the whole orbital dynamics simulation , based on the high target orbit rendezvous mission , the verification of the orbital maneuver strategy is feasible .

  20. 论文提出的椭圆远程、近程最优交会策略和末制导导引律可为轨道机动飞行器空间交会方案设计与轨道控制提供技术支撑。

    The proposed optimal rendezvous strategies both for long-distance elliptical rendezvous trajectory and near-distance elliptical rendezvous trajectory and terminal guidance laws will provide technique support for the space rendezvous scheme design and orbit control of OMV .

  21. 万众瞩目的交会对接任务将在神舟八号发射升空的两天内完成,交会对接轨道距离地球表面343公里。

    The docking will happen within two days after the launch of the Shenzhou VIII at a height of 343 km above Earth 's surface .

  22. 交会对接技术是我国载人航天工程二期需要掌握的关键技术,远程导引变轨任务规划是交会对接轨道设计与控制的关键问题之一。

    Rendezvous and docking technology is a key technology for the second step of China manned spaceflight project . The mission plan for phasing maneuvers is a critical problem of rendezvous trajectory design and control .