
  • 网络Crew Boat;water taxi;launch
  1. 某型交通艇的减振降噪设计

    Design on vibration damping and noise reduction for a type of crew boat

  2. 作者在主持“海鹭”号豪华游艇和40客位高级交通艇的设计中在这方面作了有益的探索。

    The author has made special efforts in this respect in his projects of " Hailu " luxury pleasure boat and40 passenger super crew boat .

  3. SWATH交通艇方案设计及其稳性分析

    Project design and stability analysis of a SWATH ferry

  4. 双尾船型在高Fr交通艇上的应用

    An Application of the Ship Form with Twin Stern in the Boat with High Froude Number

  5. 海军服役在西沙群岛上的多艘交通艇,全船水泵采用喷涂SEBF防腐技术。

    SEBF anticorrosion technology is used on all pumps on many traffic boats in active service for Navy at Xisha Islands .

  6. SDPB型喷水推进泵适用于装备各种救生艇、渔政工作艇、港务工作艇、边防巡逻艇、豪华游艇、交通艇、双体客船等作喷水推进使用。

    The SDPB Type Jet Propulsion Pump is suitable for installation of rescue boats , fishery administration boat , harbor work boat , coastguard patrol boat , luxury yacht and traffic boat , etc.

  7. 本文针对一艘11.9m长的交通艇提出了单体小水线面水翼艇的设计方案。

    A conceptual design of composite high performance ship is presented for a 11.9m craft with hydrofoil small waterplane area ship form .

  8. 适用于浅海油田的高速交通艇设计

    Design of the high-speed traffic boat sailing on shallow-water oilfield

  9. 新型游艇和高级交通艇的造型与舱室设计上海-50型拖拉机驾驶室振动的试验研究

    On Form Cabin Designing of New Type Pleasure Boat Super Crew Boat Vibration of Tractor Cabin

  10. 近海[远洋]渔业海洋交通船远洋交通艇

    Inshore [ deepsea ] fishery ocean boarding vessel