
  • 网络This is not my;This is not me;Not me
  1. 这不是我在胡说,有科学依据的。

    This is not me talking . it 's a scientific fact .

  2. 这不是我,我没有这么好看!

    This is not me . I don 't look so good !

  3. 我向你保证这不是我干的。

    I promise you this was none of my doing .

  4. 别冲我生气——这不是我的错!

    Don 't get stroppy with me ─ it isn 't my fault !

  5. “这不是我喜欢的音乐形式。”——“对,这不是。”

    ' It 's not one of my favourite forms of music . ' — ' No. '

  6. 这不是我的,我得把它归还原主。

    It isn 't mine ; I must give it back to the owner .

  7. 但后来我意识到这不是我想要的,因为我经常被迫销售可能对顾客不利的产品。

    But later I realized that was not what I wanted , because I was often forced to sell products that might not be good for the customers .

  8. 这不是我鄙视他们。

    It 's not that I 'd think less of them .

  9. 这不是我的过错。

    That , however , is not my fault .

  10. 她的橡皮在桌子上。Thisisnotmyeraser.这不是我的橡皮。

    Her eraser is on her desk .

  11. 弓箭手说:“这不是我的过错,而是守卫官的过错,因为他回答我‘人可以吃。’”

    The archer said : " It is not my fault but the fault of the guard , because he told me ' It is edible . ' "

  12. 当然就像我说的这不是我负责的范围。

    But as I say , that 's not my area .

  13. A:这不是我停止跑步的真正原因!

    A : That 's not the reason why I stopped !

  14. 但这不是我的错。我准备好了。

    But this is not my fault , I 'm prepared .

  15. 我不想演这个,这不是我该做的事。

    This isn 't the right thing for me to do .

  16. 这不是我第一次被共和国卫队审问了。

    This is not my first interrogation by the Republican guard .

  17. 在您说“这不是我的工作!”

    Before you say ," That 's not my job !"

  18. 这不是我的特权,是我的职责。

    It 's not my privilege , but it 's my duty .

  19. 但这不是我带到你房子那里去的油画。

    But it 's not the painting I brought to your house .

  20. 但这不是我的问题,对吗?

    But that 's not my problem , is it ?

  21. “这不是我的过错,”爱丽丝回答。

    " It 's not my fault ," replied Alice .

  22. 这不是我的伞。对不起,先生。

    This is not my umbrella . Sorry , sir .

  23. 希望这不是我获得的最后一项荣誉。

    Hopefully it won 't be the last honour I pick up .

  24. 男人:不,这不是我的汽车。

    MAN : No , this is not my car .

  25. 但这不是我的意思,在所有。

    But that 's not what I mean at all .

  26. 听我说,这不是我的东西。

    Listen to me , this is not my stuff .

  27. “你知道,这不是我的错。”莫雷尔说道。

    " You know it is not my fault ," said morrel .

  28. 哦简这不是我该管的事所以

    Oh , Jane , it 's none of my beeswax , so

  29. 这不是我该过的生活,谁都不该这样生活

    This is no kind of life for me -- for anyone .

  30. 这不是我想要的,我要的是友谊赛。

    This is not what I meant . I wanted goodwill games .