
  • over the years;All these years;Through The Years
  1. 这些年来我们合作搞了许多项目。

    We have collaborated on many projects over the years .

  2. 这些年来她对跳舞的热情一直不减。

    Her passion for dancing never dimmed over the years .

  3. 这些年来我们过得很开心。

    We 've had a lot of fun over the years .

  4. 这些年来这座城市发生了许多变化。

    Down through the years this town has seen many changes .

  5. 这些年来她没有多大变化。

    She has not changed much over the years .

  6. 他们的投资这些年来已经增值。

    Their investments have appreciated over the years .

  7. 这些年来她积累了大量教学资料。

    She 's built up a good stock of teaching materials over the years .

  8. 这些年来我们花了许多钱做房屋装修。

    We 've forked out a small fortune on home improvements over the years .

  9. 他生病的这些年来,我妈妈一直照料着他。

    All the years he was sick my mother had nursed him

  10. 我发现自己这些年来从未像现在这样开心过。

    I found myself having more fun than I had had in years

  11. 这些年来我对苏珊的感情发生了变化。

    My feelings towards Susan have changed over the years .

  12. 这些年来他的前额已经有点秃了。

    His hairline had receded slightly over the years .

  13. 这些年来,罗伯特逐渐收藏了一批版画和绘画作品。

    Robert 's collection of prints and paintings has been bought over the years

  14. 这些年来,我得出的结论是她是一位非常伟大的音乐家。

    Over the years I 've come to the conclusion that she 's a very great musician

  15. 我估计,这些年来,我当老师的收入要比富特先生的收入低不少。

    I would judge that my earnings as a teacher have , over the years , been considerably below those of Mr Foot .

  16. 她泣诉了这些年来所受的苦。

    She tearfully recounted the suffering she 'd undergone in the past few years .

  17. 这些年来,各民族的人逐渐与这座城市的居民相融合。

    People of many different nationalities have , over the years , been absorbed into the population of the city .

  18. 该部门这些年来取得的成就都归功于阿曼达领导有方&她的能力令人望尘莫及。

    The Department owes a lot to Amanda fox her years of leadership & she 's a hard act to follow .

  19. 这些年来,他沿着边境走了大约20万公里。

    These years , he has walked about 200,000 kilometers along the border .

  20. 这些年来他接二连三地倒霉

    He has been assailed by bad breaks all these years .

  21. 这些年来人们的环境意识增强了。

    Environmental awareness has increased over the years .

  22. 这些年来他变得成熟了。

    She 's mellowed over the years .

  23. 这些年来,用于农业生产的柴油产量增加了四倍。

    Eg : The output oil for farm use has been increased by a factor of five times these years . Decrease / fall ... by a factor of N times

  24. 她感觉这些年来一直在艰苦求生,每天上下班要花两个多小时,而且工作压力大、工资低,她一点也不喜欢。

    She felt like she had been swimming upstream for years , commuting1 over two hours morning and evening to do a stressful , badly paid job she did not enjoy .

  25. 但是研究作者指出,由于零工经济和远程办公等现象的出现,这些年来过劳问题愈演愈烈,疫情很可能加剧了这一趋势。

    But its authors note that overwork has been on the rise for years due to phenomena1 such as the gig economy and telework - and they say the pandemic will likely accelerate those trends .

  26. 这些年来,不满的黑客已经创造了多种替代方式来在Web服务器和应用程序代码之间架起桥梁。

    Over the years , dissatisfied hackers have created alternate ways to bridge this gap between Web servers and application code .

  27. 这些年来的总体趋势是军事开支与GDP增长保持同步。

    The overall trend over the years has been for military spending to keep pace with GDP growth .

  28. 这些年来我们在SOA上采用的是稳健、直接的方式确立其在真实世界中的地位。

    Over all these years , our approach to SOA has been steady , direct and entrenched in the real world .

  29. “这些年来,所有这些项目因为有补贴体制而完成了,”Thomas说。

    " All the programmes over the years have pulled it off by having subsidised systems ," says Thomas .

  30. 这些年来,唯有一家公司安稳度过,通过其PC和笔记本持续盈利:苹果。

    There 's only one company which has consistently managed , for years now , to increase the profit on their PCs and laptops : Apple .