
  • 网络Social Complexity
  1. IT资源具有高度的社会复杂性,难以模仿和复制,可以成为持续竞争优势的源泉。

    These IT resources are difficult to imitate and copy , and have the characteristic of high social complexity ; therefore , they are able to form the sources of sustained competitive advantage .

  2. 随着社会复杂性提高、变化加快,危机对我们的影响越来越大。

    With the developments and changes of modern society , crises have been exerting increasingly greater influences on our life .

  3. 这样说是要人们注意到美国社会的复杂性。

    To say so is to draw attention to the complexity of the American scene .

  4. 社会的复杂性:社会学家的视野

    On the Complexity of Society form the Viewpoint of Sociologist

  5. 中国乡城流动人口社会网络复杂性特征分析

    Complexity of Rural-Urban Migrants ' Social Networks in China

  6. 从工程系统复杂性到社会系统复杂性

    Complexity : from Engineering Systems to Social Systems

  7. 关于社会系统复杂性的哲学思考

    Philosophical Thinking on Complexity of Social System

  8. 儿童期的延长有助于儿童学习人类社会的复杂性;

    An extended childhood is needed in which to learn the complexities of human social communities ;

  9. 同时它也存在着忽视性别的自然性、社会的复杂性的不足。

    It also has some limitations which it ignored the nature of gender and the complexity of society .

  10. 社会系统复杂性研究的几个问题

    On Social Systems Complexity

  11. 然而,随着社会经济复杂性的日益显现,税收征管过程也面临着越来越多的不确定性。

    However , with more social and economic complexity , the tax collection and administration is facing more uncertainty .

  12. 通过这些代理机构,我们实现了多重性和凝聚力的统一,让现代社会的复杂性可管理。

    Through these agencies , we achieve the combination of plurality and cohesion that makes the complexities of modern society manageable .

  13. 信任作为一种减少社会交往复杂性的机制,可以使社会个体增加其行为的确定性。

    Trust as a mechanism of reducing the complexity of social interaction , may make the social individual increase its behavior the certainty .

  14. 在21世纪,女性主义继续延展,超越西方社会的复杂性,甚至超越女性这一严格的性别观念。

    In the twenty-first century , feminism continues to extend beyond the complexities of Western society and even beyond strict gender notions of female .

  15. 理解和掌握一些基于混沌法则的学习技能能够更好地适应现代社会的复杂性。

    Understanding and grasping some learning skills based on the Chaos Theory can facilitate one 's adaptation to the complexity of the modern society .

  16. 中国社会的复杂性、中国革命的特殊性和艰巨性,对中国革命的领袖提出了很高的要求。

    The complexity of Chinese society and the particularity and hardness of Chinese revolution puts forward higher request to the leaders of Chinese revolution .

  17. 近些年来,随着社会生活复杂性和不确定性程度的日益提高,非常规性任务大量涌现,任务型组织越来越多地活跃在社会生活的各个领域,其功能也越来越显性化。

    With increasing of complexity and uncertainty of social life in recent years , more and more task-oriented organizations are flourishing in all sectors .

  18. 社会的复杂性源自社会物质系统和社会思想系统中同层次和不同层次间的相互作用。

    The complexity of society originates from the interaction among same layers of different layers in the social material system and the social thinking system .

  19. 全球化所彰显的自由与流动在增加经济和社会事务复杂性的同时,也提高了公民的自主性和自治能力。

    Globalization brings about freedom and communication , which make the economical and social affairs more complex and improve citizen 's autonomous ability as well .

  20. 多样化的人引起多样化的需求,现代社会的复杂性致使人及其构成的社会客观地存在着多样化的需求。

    Variety of people caused a variety of needs . The complexity of modern society and their composition resulted in an objective existence of diverse community needs .

  21. 由于社会的复杂性及犯罪主体的特殊性,对本罪的理解存在诸多的争议,导致在司法实践中遇到很多的困难。

    As the social complexity and particularity of the subject of crime , there are many disputes on understanding of the crime , result in judicial practice , many difficulties encountered .

  22. 近年来,各种非常规突发事件频繁发生,而随着社会系统复杂性的日益提升,它们的危害性也日渐增强。

    In recent years , a variety of unconventional incidents occur more frequently than usual . According to the increasing complexity of modern society , they had more devastating consequences as well .

  23. 在当代,在社会各种复杂性因素冲突与作用下,各国课程理念发展既有不同的阶段性转变,又表现出某种规律上的共性。

    In the modern age , under conflicts and influences of various social factors , curriculum ideas in these nation-states also have different staggered transformations and share some common rule trends as well .

  24. 分析了中国在市场经济改革后城市管治演变发生的重大原因,主要是经济改革造成的管治真空,转型社会的复杂性和转变速度超出了国家单位系统的能力范围;

    This paper analyses the major reasons causing the evolution of the urban governance in the reform towards market economy , which includes the absence of governance and unexpected complexity and changing speed of transition society .

  25. 社会的复杂性,作案手法的多样性,对法条理解的差异性以及案中一些似是而非因素的影响,使得一些挪用公款案件复杂化。

    The complexity of the society the Variety of committing a crime , the different understanding on the provisions of law , as well as some ambiguous factors of the case , will make some cases very complicated .

  26. 近年来,网络概念的提出及其研究已经成为揭示自然界及人类社会各种复杂性系统结构及功能的重要手段。

    In recent years , the concept of network has been proposed and researched and it has been an important tool of revealing the structure and function of each kind of complexity system in nature and human society .

  27. 它以研究自然、社会的复杂性和复杂系统为核心,研究对象涉及工程、生物、经济、管理、军事、政治和社会等诸多方面具有复杂性的系统,并揭示其运作、演变规律。

    It focuses on the nature , the social complexity and the complex systems , concerning engineering , biology , economy , management , military affairs and society , thus to reveal the laws of their functioning and evolvement .

  28. 本文根据近代科学对客观的认识,探讨了系统与相互作用间的关系以及客观世界相互作用的类型、作用模式,并初步分析了社会系统复杂性的根源。

    Based on the understanding of modern science about objective world , this paper discusses the relation between the interaction of objective things and systems , the types and the operation pattern of interaction between objective world , and analyses the interaction characteristics among social systems .

  29. 更为可贵的是,它们用独特的叙事方式构建了对宏观叙事形成补充的现代城市的第二历史,从而展示出中国转型期社会的复杂性和偶然性。

    What is more significant is that they have constructed the history 2 of the modern cities which is the complementarity of the mainstream culture , so they bring forth the complexity and chanciness of the current Chinese changing society , and open out a more actual and all-around society .

  30. 巨大的人口基数和地区差异,造就了社会丰富的复杂性。

    A huge population and regional differences created a rich social diversity .