
  • 网络social security;INSS;social security outlay
  1. 大多数上了年纪的美国人仰仗社会保险金过活。

    A large majority of elderly Americans depend solely on social security income .

  2. 人民法院审理起诉行政机关没有依法发给抚恤金、社会保险金、最低生活保障费等案件,可以根据原告的申请,依法书面裁定先予执行。

    In cases in which the administrative organ is sued for not distributing pension , social security benefits , guaranteed minimum income and the like , the people 's court may rule in writing for advanced enforcement upon petition of the plaintiff .

  3. 打老妇人的头,偷窃社会保险金。

    Beats oid women over the heads , steais their SociaI security checks .

  4. 我祖母是靠社会保险金过日子的。

    My grandmother gets by on social security .

  5. 史密斯使用了琼斯这个假名去冒领社会保险金。

    Smith used the assumed name of Jones when making his fraudulent social security claims .

  6. 企业必须为员工按时缴纳社会保险金。

    Employment of migrant workers must be filed with the Labor and Personnel Bureau of TEDA .

  7. 劳动者享受的社会保险金必须按时足额支付。

    The social insurance amount that labourers are entitled to , must be timely paid in full .

  8. 这部新的法律赋予巴勒斯坦人在私营部门工作的权利,他们还获准向自己的基金缴纳社会保险金,以应对事故或受伤。

    They will also be allowed to make social security payments into their own fund to cover work accidents and indemnities .

  9. 如今大多数员工都没有退休金。单靠一张社会保险金的支票是不够的。

    Today , most workers don 't have a pension . A Social Security check often isn 't enough on its own .

  10. 这将可能导致联邦承包商款项的延迟支付,最终甚至影响到社会保险金及其他政府权益的支付,以及联邦雇员薪酬的支付。

    That could squeeze payments to federal contractors , and eventually even affect Social Security and other government benefit payments , as well as federal workers'paychecks .

  11. 该保险单对大多数损坏投保但不保机器的自然损耗。大多数上了年纪的美国人仰仗社会保险金过活。

    The insurance policy cover most damage but not fair wear and tear to the machine . A large majority of elderly Americans depend solely on social security income .

  12. 2001年末领取失业保险金的人数为312万人。大多数上了年纪的美国人仰仗社会保险金过活。

    The number of people who did not draw unemployment insurance money was 3.12 million in 2001 . A large majority of elderly Americans depend solely on social security income .

  13. 我国社会养老保险金的隐性债务问题研究

    Research on the Issue of Hidden Debt in China 's Old Age Pension

  14. 本文侧重从如何提高社会养老保险金支出的分配效应及降低支出管理成本的角度进行阐述。

    The article probes into raising the distribution effect of social pension insurance payment and reducing payment management costs .

  15. 第一部分对住房反向抵押贷款的含义及法律性质进行分析,明确其是一种涵盖民法抵押、社会养老保险金的综合性金融产品。

    Firstly , the author provides the definition and legislation of reverse mortgage , ensuring that it is a comprehensive financial product covering civil-law mortgage and social security pension .

  16. 不合理的养老金支付条件、支付标准和较低的替代率,不仅导致重庆市退休职工生活水平下降,而且增大了社会养老保险金的支付压力。

    The unreasonable terms , the standards of payment of pension and the low replacement rate not only cause the living standard of retired people to become lower , but also increase the pressure on the payment of pension .

  17. 目前世界范围内,社会养老保险金的筹集主要来自于国家、用人单位、个人三方面;职业养老保险金的筹集主要来自于用人单位、个人;个人养老保险金主要来自个人。

    Currently all over the world , to raise the social old-age security payments mainly from the state , employers and individuals in three areas ; occupational pension protection Kinder raised mainly from employers and individuals ; personal old-age security payments primarily from individuals .

  18. 每个历史阶段福建城镇社会基本养老保险金体制的发展都有着包涵时代特色的鲜明特征。

    The development of Fujian urban social basic endowment insurance system in every historical stage has a inclusion characteristics of distinctive feature of the times .

  19. 对于福建城镇社会基本养老保险金体制运行的历史性评价,应当要有一个全面、客观、辩证、理性的认识。

    For running the historic evaluation of Fujian urban social basic endowment insurance system , should have a comprehensive , dialectical , objective , rational knowledge .

  20. 探索与研究福建城镇社会基本养老保险金体制的改革与实践问题必须要引入本土化的视角,立足于福建省的具体省情,才能做到有的放矢、言之有据。

    The exploration and research of the reform and practice problem of Fujian urban social basic endowment insurance system must introduce local perspective , based on the specific situation in Fujian Province , in order to accomplish having a definite object in view , it is the only another .

  21. 公司为受聘者提供丰厚的薪资待遇,健全的社会保险(五险一金)以及商业保险。

    We would provide employee competitive wage , whole set of social-benefits and commercial insurance .

  22. 社会保障计划的保险金可以通过立法来改变,以提高或降低津贴金额,而私营的、契约性的保险金通常是不能改变的。

    Benefits of the social security program can be changed , either increased or decreased , by legislation , while private , contractual benefits generally are not subject to change .

  23. 文章提及了《劳动合同法》执行遇到的障碍,涉及饭店员工利益的工资工时、社会保险和经济补偿金等方面研究不足,这些也是今后需要研究的问题。

    Research related to the interests of hotel staff such as wages and working hours , social insurance and economic compensation is inadequate , these are also required in the future study .

  24. 近年来,在一些地方和单位竟产生了瞒报、少缴社会保险费,骗取或违规支付社会保险金等现象。

    However , certain units in certain places have recently been found to under-pay social security fund by deception or to gain social security fund by cheating .

  25. 长寿的结果是老年人口的比例逐渐增大,一些发达国家先后进入了老龄化社会的行列,同时,老年人口的增加导致提取社会保险金的人数也越来越多,社会基本养老保险债务负担日益沉重。

    Some developed countries entered aging society one after another . In the same time , the growing of aged population brought the number of persons that drew society insurance had risen and the burden of the basic endowment insurance had become more serious gradually .

  26. 为了保障步入老年期的社会成员的基本生活需要,国际上绝大多数国家和地区都建立了以政府为主导的社会基本养老保险金体制。

    In order to guarantee the social members ' basic living needs of the aging period , the international most countries and regions have established a government-led social basic endowment insurance system .