
  • 网络social actor;social agents;societal actor
  1. 它将社会行动者映射为图的节点,社会行动者之间的关系映射为图中的边,然后利用图论的相关知识来解决社会网络的问题。

    It takes a social actor as a vertex of a graph , and takes the relationship between two actors as an edge of a graph , and then use the algorithm of graph theory to resolve the problems of social network .

  2. 社会行动者健康的心理和行为习惯是一个社会良性运行的基础。

    The good psychology and behavior which social actors have is a foundation for the normal operation to society .

  3. 其中,逻辑起点是社会行动者的行动;研究起点则是由个体行动与社会环境的互动所构成的社会事实。

    The former is the action of social actors ; the latter is social facts that consist of interaction between the individual activi .

  4. 本文提出了机会&流动论的视角,并用来解释不同的社会行动者面对劳动力市场转型过程中机会结构变迁时的反应,以及不同的流动过程如何影响社会分层秩序的改变。

    This paper proposes an opportunity-mobility perspective to illustrate how different social actors respond to changes of the opportunity structures in the labor markets of transition economies , and how labor mobility affects social stratification .

  5. 指出城市水环境问题的形成原因是社会行动者基于理性选择的角色行为所致,解决途径必须要从行动者的角色表现来分析和理解,并注意水环境应对措施的综合性。

    That the formation of urban water environment because of social actors on the role act of rational choice , solution must start with the role of actors in performance analysis and understanding , and attention to the water environment , a comprehensive response .

  6. 市场的社会建构与行动者的逻辑对上海电视剧市场的研究

    Social Construction of the Market and the Logics of Actors : A Study on the Market of TV Drama Series in Shanghai

  7. 政策网络的提出,揭示利益联盟及信仰联盟在政策过程中的作用,认为公共政策是包括政府和社会的各类行动者互动的结果。

    Policy network uncovers the role of profit alliance and belief alliance in policy process , holding that public policies are the results of interaction of all participants including government and society .

  8. 吉登斯通过对行动者的分层模式、行动者的社会定位、行动者的行动结果等问题的分析,得出了行动者是知识行动者的基本结论。

    Giddens reached the basic conclusion that the actor is the knowledgeable actor after an analysis of the stratification model , social positioning and the consequence of the action of the actor .

  9. 通过行动者维度,考察的是在治理过程中进行社会资本运作的行动者,行动者行动的动机是什么?等等。

    Through actor dimension , the inspection is the actors who carry on the social capital operation in the governance process and their motivations and so on .

  10. 现有的社会行动理论把行动者的行动能力视作不证自明的前提,但是,人的行动能力可以而且应该被证明。

    The action abilities of actors are recognized as self-evident presuppositions by contemporary social action theories . However , the action abilities of human being should and could be proved .

  11. 而因为空间形式和组织是生产方式的产物,人们的空间关系也表现为社会关系,所以行动者的空间地位不同,才是影响其环境行为取向的深层次原因。

    And because the format and organization of space is the product of production , so the spatial relationship between people is also the social relations . Therefore , the difference of spatial position of actors is the deep-seated causes affecting the environment behavior of actors .

  12. 由于客观社会分层忽视了社会行动者的主体性,许多学者提出了社会分层研究的另一视角,即阶层的主观认同研究。

    Owing to the neglect of the subjectivity of agents , many scholars study the social stratification in another perspective , that is , subjective identity of strata .

  13. 本文运用社会学中有关社会结构与社会行动者互动关系的理论,分析了我国立法如何变化以及发生此种变化的原因。第一部分主要是对社会结构与社会行动者互动理论的概述。

    The first part generally introduces the theory of interaction between social structure and agent , pointing out the relation between them is not determinative and being determinative but interactive . The duality means the social structure is the media of agency and the result of it .

  14. 通过对中国西部地区一个县级市重庆·合川市的市场及社会地域结构的经验分析,发现合川社会结构是一个区位结构,即社会行动者基于相对位置不同而形成的中心边缘的关系体系。

    Through analysing the market and social region structure of Chongqing Hechuan & the county-level municipality in western China , I find that Hechuan social structure is a region structure , that is to say the social groups has evolved a connection system between center and edge for different places .