
  1. 论霍曼斯的交换理论

    On George · Homans ' Exchange Theory

  2. 霍曼斯的交换理论在西方社会思想史上处于承前启后地位,成为经济社会学理性选择理论的重要来源。

    Homans ' exchange theory serves as a link between past and future in the history of western social thoughts .

  3. 霍曼斯作为交换理论的主要代表。他把斯金纳的心理学与经济学中的基本概念(如成本、价值)结合起来,提出了5个基本命题并在此基础上建立了交换理论。

    As a commissary of exchange theory , he combined basic economic concepts such as cost , reward , value , with psychology , and built up five propositions . Which basing on those , Homans had established exchange theory .