
  • 网络Hogsmeade
  1. 届时,游客们能在公园中亲眼目睹罗琳魔法世界中的诸多著名地点,如霍格沃茨魔法学校里邓布利多的办公室、霍格莫德村的店铺等。

    The park will let visitors view the famed locations in Rowling 's magical world , like Dumbledore 's office in Hogwarts and the shops in Hogsmeade .

  2. 游客可以探索他们喜爱的书中场景,比如霍格莫德村,禁忌森林等,当然还有哈里就读的霍格沃茨城堡。

    Visitors to the park will be able to explore some of their favourite locations from the book such as the village of hogsmeade , the Forbidden Forest and , of course , Hogwarts castle , where Harry goes to school .