
  • 网络distribution according to contribution
  1. 对两种按贡献分配衡量标准的评析

    Evaluate the Two Measurement Standards for Distribution according to Contribution

  2. 在比较各种分配制度及相关理论的基础上,本文以马克思主义的唯物史观为指导,提出了按贡献分配、公正和人道的道德标准。

    These standards are distribution according to contribution and justice and humanity .

  3. 实行ESOP的原则通常有三点:参与原则、有限原则、按贡献分配原则。

    The fundamental principals of ESOP have three points : participation , limitation and distribution according to contribution .

  4. 论人力因素按贡献分配对收入分配理论的拓展

    Effect of Distribution According to Contribution on Expending the Theory of Income Distribution

  5. 论生产要素按贡献分配的原则

    On the Principle of Distribution in Accordance with Contribution

  6. 按贡献分配是社会主义初级阶段的分配原则

    Distribution according to Merits is the Distribution Principle at the Elementary Stage of Socialism

  7. 按贡献分配就是将劳动与其他非劳动因素统一于生产要素,根据各生产要素的社会贡献来进行分配。

    The labor and other non-labor factors make up the essential factors of production .

  8. 并通过对西方边际生产力理论的演绎,提出按贡献分配的设想。

    Through the deduction on marginal productivity theory , propose according to contributing on distribution .

  9. 第四章以激励模型和风险定价模型为理论基础,阐述了按贡献分配的具体模式的结构优化问题,并对按贡献分配的理想模式进行了展望;

    The forth chapter analyzes the way to optimize the mode of the distribution by contribution .

  10. 本文对按贡献分配原则的涵义进行了解释并对其正义性进行了论证。

    It defines the meaning of the principle of distribution according to contribution and demonstrates its justice .

  11. 但是,中国农民阶层在公正对待方面如机会平等、按贡献分配及社会调剂等方面却往往处在十分不利的境地。

    But Chinese peasants have disadvantages in social justice , such as equal opportunity , distribution according to contribution , social relief .

  12. 公正标准较之按贡献分配在道德上处于更高层次,涵盖面更广,可以确保企业内部的正常秩序。

    Though justice by which the regulation in enterprises could be guaranteed is higher moral standard and covers more area than distribution according to contribution .

  13. 据此,管理公正应该包含人性化原则、机会平等原则、按贡献分配原则、调剂原则和整体利益原则。

    Accordingly , the author proposes that the management justice should include such five basic principles as humanization , equal opportunity , distribution according to contribution , redistribution , and whole interest .

  14. 其中,按贡献分配是最基本的原则,是公正和人道得以确立的基础,但也只是最低层次的道德原则。

    These standards are distribution according to contribution and justice and humanity . Distribution according to contribution is the lowest moral standards and the most basic principle on which justice and humanity could be constructed .

  15. 产权制度与按要素贡献分配原则

    Property Rights System and the Distribution Principle According to the Factors Contribution

  16. 技术要素按贡献参与分配的探讨

    On the Distribution of Technical Key Elements Based on Contribution

  17. 按要素贡献分配与要素(资源)贡献价值论

    Distribution by Factor Contribution and Value Theory of Factor ( Resources ) Contribution

  18. 按资本贡献分配的经济学分析

    Economic Analysis of Capital-based Distribution System

  19. 挖掘高校人力资源潜力的关键是分配律的选择,要搞好高校人力资源开发,应选择按贡献律分配方式为主,其它分配律只能作为辅助手段。

    The key to tapping the potential of college human resources lies in choosing the distribution law .

  20. 健全生产要素按贡献参与分配的制度意味着什么?

    On significance of " perfecting the system of production elements participating in distribution according to contribution ";

  21. 确立各种生产要素按贡献参与分配的原则,完善分配制度

    Upholding the Principle That Production Factors Participate in the Distribution of Income in Accordance with Their Respective Contributions

  22. 实现生产要素按贡献参与分配牵涉到一系列微观层面的管理理论与方法问题。

    Distribution according to the contributions of production factors is associated with a series of managerial theories and methods .

  23. 按贡献参与分配&马克思按劳分配理论在我国发展的第三个阶段

    Distribution According to Contribution Participation & The Marxism Theory of Distribution According to Work Developing in China As the Third Period

  24. 分配原则是按要素贡献分配,就是要在要素的贡献与报酬之间建立因果关系。

    The principle of allocation is according to the factors ' contribution , in other words , we should establish causal relationship between contribution and rewards .

  25. 充分发挥按资本贡献分配的作用能够提高资本要素的配置效率,这对于资本要素相对稀缺的经济体意义重大。

    To bring the capital factor into full play can increase the efficiency of capital allocation , which is very important for an economic entity short of capital .

  26. 国有建筑企业在薪酬分配上重公平,轻效率,劳动、资本、技术和管理等生产要素不能按贡献参与分配。

    State-owned construction companies ' compensation emphasizes fair distribution and slight efficiency . Labor , capital , technology , management and other production factors cannot be allocated according to contribution .

  27. 今天,我们发展社会主义市场经济,要求确立劳动、资本、技术和管理等生产要素按贡献参与分配的原则。

    Today under the situation of developing the socialist market economy , we must establish the distribution law based on the labour , the capital , the technology and the management .

  28. 生产要素按贡献参与分配的原则,不是指分配方式,而是属于分配方式的具体实现形式的问题。

    The principle that elements of production take a share in distribution based on their contribution does not lie in type of distribution , but in the issue of specific realization form of distribution .

  29. 党的十六大明确提出确立劳动、资本、技术和管理等生产要素按贡献参与分配的原则。

    The 16 th Congress of CCPCC put forward that " establishing the productive key elements like labor , capital , technology , management and others should in accordance with the principle of contribution participating into distribution " .

  30. 作为第三个发展阶段的科学成果,“按贡献参与分配”原则的提出,已经完成了马克思按劳分配理论与我国社会主义初级阶段现实的真正科学的有机结合。

    The principle of Distribution According to Contribution Participation , the third developing period , has accomplished the really scientific combination between Marxism theory of distribution according to work and the reality of primary stage of Chinese socialism .