
àn bǐ lì suō xiǎo
  • scale down
  1. 器件尺寸按比例缩小是实现超大规模集成电路的有效途径,但寄生和二级效应却将器件尺寸限在一定的水平。

    The scale down of device dimension is an effective way to realize VLSI technology , however , the dimension is limited to a definite level by the influence of some parasitic and second order effects .

  2. 计算结果表明,在纳米级MOS器件中,采用SiO2作栅介质时,1.5nm厚度是按比例缩小的极限。

    It is shown that the oxide of nano-MOST can be scaled down to 1.5 nm .

  3. 分析了热载流子退化现象对集成电路可靠性的影响,研究了改善热载流子退化的计算机工艺模拟技术、按比例缩小的准恒定电压理论、LDD结构MOS晶体管。

    This paper analyses the influence of hot carrier 's retrogradation on integrated circuit 's reliability , and studies computer simulator technology , quasi-constant voltage theory , MOS transistor of LDD structure for the prevention of hot carrier retrogradation .

  4. 最后,他说,他想通过扩展和整修狭小的大堂来让歌剧院更受欢迎。半个世纪前,为了节省成本,这幢建筑的设计师华莱士·K·哈里森(WallaceK.Harrison)不得不按比例缩小了大堂。

    Toward that end , he said , he wanted to make the Met more welcoming by expanding and renovating its cramped lobby - which the building 's architect , Wallace K. Harrison , was forced to scale back to save money half a century ago .

  5. 简述了VLSI中ECL电路结构和性能之后,着重讨论双极器件的按比例缩小、结构的改进以及相关的工艺技术的发展,最后分析了双极器件的低温工作性能。

    A simple description is given to ECL circuit configurations and their performances in VLSI ICs , followed by a detailed discussion on device scaling , structure modifications and developments of related process technologies . Finally , low temperature operation performances of bipolar devices are analyzed .

  6. 按比例缩小技术在微纳米中的挑战和对策

    Challenges and Solutions of Scaling Down Technology in Micron and Nanometer

  7. 可将其看作松耦合架构按比例缩小至芯片级。

    Think about the loosely-coupled architecture being scaled down to the chip level .

  8. 1512它就象是现实按比例缩小的图形。

    It is like a scale applied to reality .

  9. 砂槽模型是将天然的多孔介质区域按比例缩小的模型。

    The sand box model is a reduced scale representation of the natural porous medium domain .

  10. 随着集成电路按比例缩小趋势的不断发展,刻线临界尺寸不断减小。

    With the development of " scaling " in Integrate Circuit , the critical dimension reduces continuously .

  11. 现在的通常作法是按比例缩小的桥梁模型放在风洞里检测它们的空气动力抵抗力。

    It is now common practice to test scale models of bridges in wind tunnels for aerodynamic resistance .

  12. 漫议《电气电子绝缘技术手册》中的若干绝缘专业术语按比例缩小绝缘分离技术

    Several Technical Terms of Electrical Insulation in the " Handbook of Electrical & Electronic Insulation Technology " scaled isoplanar

  13. 舞美师要负责制造按比例缩小的舞台模型,画舞台的设计图,并和整个制作团队进行沟通。

    Scenic designers are responsible for creating scale models of the scenery , paint elevations and scale construction drawings as part of their communication with other production staff .

  14. 又将水解量按比例缩小到原来水解量的三分之一,依然能保持良好的实验效果。

    The hydrolysis amount was reduced to one third of the former one which is used in the optimal condition , and it could still maintain the same good result .

  15. 亚阈斜率、阈值电压漂移、衬底技术和场氧抗辐射能力已经成为器件按比例缩小给器件带来冲击的最主要的四个方面。

    The sub-threshold slope , threshold voltage shift , substrate technique and the anti-radiation ability of field oxides are the four main impacts on the device fabrication in size scaling down .

  16. 论文考察了雷电流波形、耦合参数、计算步长、分段方式、雷击方式和接地装置参数等因素对暂态响应的影响,设计了对实际风机按比例缩小模型的雷击试验。

    An investigation is made on the influences of lightning current waveform , coupling parameter , calculation step length , discretization manner , lightning stroke manner and grounding parameter on transient responses .

  17. 铁电场效应晶体管作为铁电存储器的一种,除了上述优点之外,还具有单元结构简单、存储密度更高和符合超大规模集成电路的按比例缩小定律等更多优点,引起了研究者的广泛关注。

    As one of ferroelectric memories , ferroelectric field-effect transistor ( FeFET ) has attracted considerable interests due to its simple unit structure , higher storage density , and obeying the scaling rule of ultralarge-scale-integration circuits .

  18. 这个按比例缩小了的复制品由一位名为斯坦弗雷泽的航海爱好者建造,将于四月作为某海洋博物休闲馆的一部分与公众见面,以纪念“泰坦尼克号”事件100周年。

    The scaled-down replica , built by marine enthusiast Stan Fraser , will open up as part of a maritime museum and cafe in time for next April , which will mark the100th anniversary of the tragedy .

  19. 建筑师把所有尺寸都按比例加以缩小而绘制了那所大厦图样。按照一定比例绘地图(楼房)

    The architect drew a plan of the rear , ion by scaling its dimensions . scale a map ( building )

  20. 开发简单一些的应用程序或愿意假定风险是逐步增加的组织可以按比例地缩小这个理想的环境的某些方面。

    Organizations developing simpler applications or that are willing to assume increased risk may scale down some aspects of this ideal environment .

  21. 但在生产实践中发现常规结构大功率高频高压变压器的体积没有按预计比例缩小。

    However , the volume of high-frequency high-voltage transformer with conventional structure is not expected to be scaled down by frequency in the production practice .

  22. 当然,最佳的显示效果是按一定的比例缩小,否则需要人们更多的调动自己的想像力。

    Of course the best display effect is to reduce the size in accordance with certain proportion , or people need more imaginations .

  23. 认证认可标志标徽图样可按比例放大或缩小,但字迹必须清晰。

    The pattern of Certification Accreditation Mark and logo may be enlarged or reduced in proportion , but the writing must be clear .

  24. 利用流体力学的相似原理,按一定的比例缩小构建出实物模型,这样可以节省试验费用和试验空间。

    Finally using hydrodynamics similar principles and by reducing the proportion of a certain kind of model , which would save the cost of experiments and experimental space .

  25. 另一种解决方案是使用Smoothee摄影机稳定器(tiffen.com上的售价为150美元(约合人民币919元)),专业人员使用的这种稳定设备已经针对智能手机和小型照相机按比例进行了缩小。

    Another solution is the Steadicam Smoothee ( $ 150 , tiffen . com ) , a version of the stabilizing equipment used by the pros that is been scaled down for smartphones and small cameras .

  26. 采用合金铭模拟致密碳酸盐岩地层,按10:1的比例制成缩小的模型井。

    Aluminium alloy is used to model compact carbonate formation , through which a modeled borehole in 10 : 1 scale penetrates .