
qiāo qiāo bǎn
  • seesaw;teeter
跷跷板 [qiāo qiāo bǎn]
  • [seesaw] 做跷跷板游戏的器材,是一块中间有横轴的条形厚木板,架在支柱上,两端坐人,做一起一落的游戏

跷跷板[qiāo qiāo bǎn]
  1. 游乐场上有一处沙坑、一块跷跷板和一个秋千架。

    There was a sandpit , a seesaw and a swing in the playground .

  2. 孩子们在玩跷跷板。

    The children are playing at seesaw .

  3. 饭店经营者陷入了入住率和ADR两者跷跷板般的游戏,难以博弈。

    Hotel involve in dilemma of ADR and room rate .

  4. 引入移动边界积分的莱布尼兹公式建立了边界可移动控制体的守恒方程,解决了以往在蒸汽发生器(SG)仿真过程中跷跷板(See-Saw)效应的影响。

    The conservation equations of moving boundary control volume are established by introducing Leibnitz formula of moving boundary integration in this paper , influence of see-saw effect in steam generator simulation is eliminated simultaneously .

  5. 悬挂式跷跷板旋翼桨叶拉力载荷的一种工程算法

    A engineering algorithm of thrust loads for the hanging teetering rotor

  6. 人的一生就像在跷跷板上行走。

    We live our lives just like walking on the seesaw .

  7. 在弟弟的要求下父亲为我们搭了个跷跷板

    Upon my brothers request , father built us a seesaw .

  8. 他们的跷跷板总是起来,但是从不下去。

    Their seesaws always went up , but they never came down .

  9. 管式换热器动态数学模型的跷跷板效应分析

    Study of Seesaw Effect for Dynamic Model of Tubular Exchanger

  10. 今年的价格像跷跷板一样时涨时跌。

    Prices have gone up and down like a seesaw this year .

  11. 一个秋千,一个滑梯还是一个跷跷板呢?

    A swing , a slide or a seesaw on your playground ?

  12. 在跷跷板附近,我看见一个锯子把那木头锯成四段。

    Near the seesaw I saw a saw saw the wood into four .

  13. 跷跷板实验装置是一个完整的控制系统。

    The seesaw system was an entire control system .

  14. 跷跷板旋翼舰面瞬态气弹响应分析及抑制方法

    Analysis and control of transient aero-elastic response of teetering rotor on the shipboard

  15. 有两只狗在荡秋千和跷跷板中间。

    There are2 dogs between the swing and seesaw .

  16. 两个孩子能在一个跷跷板上玩。

    Two kids can play on a seesaw .

  17. 全球经济就像一座跷跷板。

    The world economy is like a see-saw .

  18. 图中画了一个悬崖,在悬崖上有个跷跷板。

    There is a cliff in the picture , on whose top is a teeterboard .

  19. 在你的右边会有一个两端各有一个小帽子的跷跷板。

    To your right will be a see-saw with beanie caps sitting at each end .

  20. 跷跷板架于它的支点保持平衡。

    A see-saw balances at its fulcrum .

  21. 跷跷板效应有望显现炒房资金会流入股市吗?

    Seesaw effect is expected to show Real funds will flow into the stock market ?

  22. 我喜欢玩荡秋千而他喜欢玩跷跷板。

    I like to play on the swing and he likes to play on the seesaw .

  23. 戈尔茨坦说,“这就像一个跷跷板,你把肩带弄得越紧,文胸就越爱往上跑。”

    The more you crank the straps , the more it pulls up in back . '

  24. 跷跷板高下分别站着野生动物和捕猎者。

    Wild animals and the hunter are standing respectively on left and right sides of the teeterboard .

  25. 跷跷板上的消费与投资&国家信息中心专家委员会办公室副主任高辉清专访

    Consume and Invest on Seesaw

  26. 大洋地壳的跷跷板现象

    Seesaw Phenomenon in Oceanic Crust

  27. 对于跷跷板这个单输入、多输出的系统,我们选择用状态方程来描述它。

    For ' teeterboard ' , an SIMO system , we choose to describe it using state equation .

  28. 深夜里,天空如一块大黑布,银河系里星光熠熠地闪耀着。它的整个重量就这么落在了拱门国家公园里的平衡岩上,像跷跷板一样摇摇晃晃。

    The mighty weight of the entire Milky Way teeters precariously on Balanced Rock in Arches National Park .

  29. 研究了我国月平均气温场的遥相关结构。指出,我国冬季月份的气温场的跷跷板特征不明显。

    The teleconnection structure of the monthly mean temperature fields in China has been studied in this paper .

  30. 假设跷跷板的一边坐一个大点的孩子,而另一边坐一个小点的孩子。

    Suppose there 's a big kid on one side and a smaller kid on the other side .