
ɡuó fánɡ yì shí
  • consciousness of national defense
  1. 工科大学生国防意识的现状分析及思考

    Engineering Majors ' Consciousness of National Defense : An Analysis of Status Quo and Reflections

  2. 要搞好国防教育,提高学生的国防意识,必须在领导重视、形成制度、师资培养和教育方向等四个方面加大工作力度。

    To strengthen education of national defense , to improve their consciousness of national defense , we must do well the four following works : leaders ' attach importance to it , forming system , training teachers and direction of education .

  3. 提高高校学生国防意识的对策和措施研究

    Measures and Approaches for Improving National Defense Consciousness of College Students

  4. 大学生国防意识研究

    A Research on National Defence Consciousness of Undergraduate

  5. 针对大学生国防意识的特点,阐述了今后增强大学生国防意识的意见和思路。

    According to the characters of that , it expounds the further ideas and suggestions .

  6. 第三部分是大学生国防意识的测量和比较。

    The third part is the measurement and correlation of undergraduates ' national defence consciousness .

  7. 新国家安全观视角下的大学生国防意识培育探析

    Analysis of the National Defense Awareness Training of College Students from the Perspective of New National Security

  8. 大学生的国防意识问题越来越受到研究者的关注。

    Nowadays more and more researchers are concentrating on the problem of college students ' National Defence Consciousness .

  9. 军校生活的熏陶,使我增强了责任感和国防意识。

    Nurtured in the military college life , I have developed my sense of responsibility and my awareness of national defense .

  10. 在文献综述和资料分析的基础上,笔者自编了大学生国防意识的测量问卷,并通过试测来对问卷进行了修订。

    Based on literature summarization and data analysis , the survey questionnaire for national defence consciousness of undergraduates was designed , then improved by testing .

  11. 增强全民国防意识,推进国防动员和后备力量建设。

    We will raise public awareness of the importance of national defense , and improve mobilization for national defense and the building of reserve forces .

  12. 大学生是国家发展的重要力量,增强大学生国防意识是增强综合国力的一个重要因素。

    Undergraduates are main force in national development , so it is a significant factor to reinforce national power to strengthen national defence consciousness of undergraduates .

  13. 在现有的文献中,大学生国防意识的研究停留在质的讨论上,定量研究较少,而且缺乏规范的测量工具。

    In existing literature , the research on national defence consciousness of undergraduates rests on qualitative discussion , while little was done on quantitive research and was in short of measurement tools .

  14. 阐述了加强大学生现代国防意识教育的必要性,指出了当前高校国防意识教育中存在的问题,提出了在新形势下加强大学生现代国防意识教育的对策。

    This paper elaborated the necessity of strengthening college students ' modern national defense consciousness . It also points out the existing problems in national defense consciousness education and puts forward some countermeasures under the new situation .

  15. 但是从中我们也看出了诸多的问题,如:国防意识淡薄、国防知识缺乏;国防教育课程及形式缺乏创新;国防教育师资队伍的匮乏;国防教育保障的不完善等等。

    But from them we also see a lot of problems , such as : students in the defense of lack of ideology ; national defense education curriculum of the old ; national defense education faculty shortage ; imperfect , and so the protection of national defense education .

  16. 后来,美国国防部意识到瀑布方法是行不通的,并最终于1994年发布了取代DOD-STD-2167的标准MIL-STD-498,支持迭代式开发。

    Eventually , the DoD realized that the Waterfall method was not working and in1994 replaced DOD-STD-2167 with MIL-STD-498 , which supports iterative development .

  17. 然而,美国国防部上周意识到,台湾收到的是导弹鼻锥。

    Last week , however , the Pentagon realised Taiwan had received missile nose cones .

  18. 三是加强高校国防教育是提高全民国防意识的奠基工程。

    Strengthening the college national defense education is the fundamental project to enhance peoples national defense consciousness .

  19. 要大力加强国防教育,增强全民国防意识。

    Education in national defense among the people will be intensified to raise their awareness of its importance .

  20. 高校国防教育对提高大学生国防意识,保卫国家安全具有重要意义,也引起了党和国家的高度重视。

    Improving College Students ' awareness of national defense , to defend national security , national defense education significance , caused by the party and the country attaches great importance to .

  21. 加强国防教育,提高大学生的国防意识和国防能力,是增强国家综合国力的一个重要方面。

    That strengthening National Defence Education and improving the consciousness and ability of National Defence of college students is a significant aspect of enhancing national strength .

  22. 国防是民族生存之盾,国防意识则是民族生存之魂。

    National defense is the shield of national survival , national defense awareness is the soul of national survival .

  23. 各级政府要大力支持国防和军队建设,增强全民国防意识。

    Governments at all levels should give full support to the development of national defense and army building , and public awareness of defense should be further raised .

  24. 国防教育是国家为增强公民的国防意识,提高公民的国防行为能力而进行的教育,是国防建设和国民教育的重要组成部分。

    To enhance the national defense education is a national civil defense awareness of the capacity of citizens to conduct national defense education , national defense construction and an important part of national education .

  25. 国防军事教育不仅具有增强大学生国防观念,提高大学生国防意识的功能.而且对于促进大学生整体素质的提高,尤其是其健康人格的形成具有积极的作用。

    National defensive martial education not only enforces college students ' ideas of national defense but also plays an active role in improving college students ' whole qualities , especially in the forming of their sound personality .

  26. 高校国防教育作为我国国防教育不可或缺的一部分,在强化国民国防观念,增强国民国防意识方面发挥着重要的作用。

    National Defense Education in university , an integral part of the National Defense Education in our country , plays an important role in strengthening national defense concept and strengthening the consciousness of national defense .

  27. 然而,目前我国高校国防教育的现状和效果并不理想,希望从为国家储备国防力量出发,探索提高高校学生国防意识的有效对策和措施。

    With awareness of the reserve force of national defense , effective measures and approaches should be explored to improve the national defense consciousness of college students .

  28. 借鉴美国的经验,加强普通高校国防教育的法律法规建设,进一步完善国防教育的机构设置,构建多元化的现代国防教育模式,对增强全民族的国防意识和国防素质将有着重要的意义。

    It is of great significance to make use of American 's experience to enhance the construction of law and regulation of institutes of higher learning , to improve the administrative institutes , to construct multi-model of national defense education and to increase the defensive awareness of the whole nation .