
  • 网络international etiquette
  1. 在国际礼仪中,TOP指的是哪三个原则?

    What does TOP mean in the international etiquette ?

  2. 现代化的世界是多元融合与创新,因而了解各国的文化风俗与国际礼仪是现代人的一门重要学程。

    A.It is important for us to understand each country 's cultural customs and the international etiquette , for today the modernized world is more integrated and innovated . B.

  3. 在相互的交往中,世界各国创立了被称为礼节的国际礼仪。

    In the dealings with each other , the countries of the world developed a system of international courtesy known as protocol .

  4. 语言作为一种交流的媒介在社会交往中起到非常重要的作用,特别在讲究国际礼仪的今天。

    Language as a medium of communication plays a very important part in social intercourse , especially in the comity of nations today .

  5. 给予导游、领队或司机小费是国际礼仪,建议您半日旅游给予司领小费每人新台币100元,一日为新台币200元。

    Giving tips for the tour guide and the driver is an international amenity , we suggest one person NTD $ 100 for a half-day tour and NTD $ 200 for one-day tour .

  6. 学前班:语言训练、游泳、国际礼仪、小国学、学习规范、思维、陶艺、品格、曲艺、轮滑

    The prep class : language training , swimming , international etiquette , Chinese study , English , study rules , logic , clay sculpture , moral education , arts , folk arts , roller-skating

  7. Wackosearch.com则以不合理性定义合理性:搜索“超现实主义”,得到国际洗手间礼仪中心(theInternationalCenterforBathroomEtiquette),还有,一个线上怀孕测试;

    Wackosearch.com determines pertinence by impertinence : Search for " surrealism , " and get sites for the I.C.B.E. ( the International Center for Bathroom Etiquette ) and an online pregnancy test ;

  8. 外交礼是从古代宾礼发展演变而来的,其中增加了很多新的内容,接受了一些国际外交礼仪。

    Many new contents were added and some international diplomatic rites were accepted .

  9. 作为旅游类高职高专院校的学生,学习国际商务礼仪有其独特的必要性。

    As a student of tourism vocational college , one must learn the internation .

  10. 在国际商务礼仪实践中,馈赠礼品占有相当重要的位置,是一项需要经常面对和处理的事物。

    It places high importance on the practice of international business etiquette , which we come across and have to deal with frequently .

  11. 明与中亚帖木儿帝国接待使臣的礼仪在程序上有相似性,对来访使臣的习俗一般都予以尊重,这表明这一时期丝绸之路上国际交往的礼仪可能已形成惯例。

    The diplomatic protocol of the reception of envoys of the Ming Dynasty and Tamerlane Empire were similar in procedure and usually the custom of the visiting envoys were respected by each side .

  12. 虽然送礼是国际通行的社交礼仪,但送什么样的礼物,什么场合送,如何送等问题上也有不少的差异。

    Though it is a Vulgate social convenance internationally , there 're still some difference opinions between countries about what to send , in which occasion to send it , or how to send it .