
  • 网络International Technology Management;MSc in International Technology Management;Msc International Technology Management
  1. 国际技术贸易管理法律制度探析

    A Discussion and Analysis of Administrative Law in the International Technological Trade Area

  2. BOT模式是一种新的、有效的项目融资、建设和运营模式,在投资主体多元化、法人结构的完善、引入国际先进技术和管理经验等方面都具有显著功效。

    The BOT pattern , which plays an important role in attracting investors , the perfect of the corporate structure , and the introduction of international advanced techniques and management experiences , is a new and efficient financing , construction , and operation pattern .

  3. 约翰·保罗二世国际机场技术与管理中心,克拉科夫-巴利采,波兰

    Technical & managment center of John Paul II International airport , krak ó w-balice , poland

  4. 本公司吸收国际先进技术和管理经验,使企业得到迅速发展并占有很高的国际、国内市场份额。

    It has rapidly developed and held a very large share in domestic and international markets through absorbing the internationally advanced experience of thchnology and management .

  5. 本公司不断引进吸收国际先进技术与高效管理模式,产品不断优化,推陈出新。

    We take in the international up-to-state technology and adopt the efficient management pattern , focusing on the continuous optimization and innovation of our products .

  6. IS/IT战略规划已成为国际上战略信息技术管理领域最为重要的研究方向之一。

    Strategic planning for Information System / Information Technology has become one of the most important research fields of Information Technology Management in the world .