
  • 网络Scientific Management Research;Science and Technology Management Research
  1. 伦理经营的理念已越来越受到企业科学管理研究的重视。

    The concept of ethical management in business has attracted the interest in the field of enterprise management research .

  2. 羊草人工草地的建立及其科学管理的研究

    Studies on the establishment and scientific management of artificial Aneurolepidium chinense Grassland

  3. 高等院校专业教学系科学管理规范研究&财政税务系科学管理规范及运行机制的创新与实践

    Study of Scientific Management Criterions of the Specialty Teaching Departments in Higher Education

  4. 为了实现道路交通科学管理,研究了道路交通事故信息管理系统的需求分析、功能结构、信息模型,并在此基础上探讨了基于关系数据库技术的系统开发。

    In order to realize scientific management of road traffic , this paper studies the demand-supply analysis , function structure , and information of the information management system of road traffic accidents , and thus discusses the development of relational database technology-based systems .

  5. 构建ODS实现对临床医生科学管理的方法研究

    Methodology of Constructing ODS for Clinical Management

  6. 大学生科学管理能力培养研究

    Research improving the Cultivation of College Students ' Abilities of scientific management

  7. 科学技术管理伦理研究

    Study on Manage me nt Ethic of Science and Technology

  8. 新装备系统科学管理的方法研究

    Study on the Method for New Instrumentation Systems Scientific Management

  9. 哲学社会科学管理工作创新研究

    The Creative Research on Philosophy and Social Science Management

  10. 复杂性科学为企业管理研究提供了新的范式框架,提出许多新的研究课题。

    Complexity science provides new paradigms and frame of research for management academy .

  11. 农业科学数据共享管理研究

    Research on the Agricultural Science Data Sharing Management

  12. 行为科学与管理会计研究

    A Study on Behavioral Science and Management Accounting

  13. 实践证证,要提高工作效率,不能不从过去的科学管理的个体研究扩大到社会组织的宏观考虑。

    Practice makes it gradually evident that the field has to be broadened , from the physiological individuals to social organizations .

  14. 本论文围绕提高航材保障水平和降低航材保障成本这个目标,对航材库存的科学管理进行了研究探讨。

    The paper closely discusses how to raise the air material safeguard level and how to reduce the air material safeguard cost .

  15. 但以往对既有建筑节能改造的研究很少从建筑物整体的角度进行综合节能研究,对既有建筑节能改造的经济性分析并进行量化的科学管理等方面研究也较少。

    But in the past , the research on existing buildings ' energy-saving transformation was rarely from the overall perspective of the comprehensive construct .

  16. 如何通过科学的管理提高研究生培养质量是培养单位面临的巨大挑战。

    How to improve the quality of postgraduate education by means of scientific management is a huge challenge to the latter in quality of the programs .

  17. 将知识组织简单化为文献分类标引或各种事实数据的罗列,也存在着同样问题。知识组织应成为图书馆和信息科学与知识管理研究的重点和方向。

    In this paper , the authors think that knowledge organization should be a direction and focus in library and information science and in the studies of knowledge organization .

  18. 探索了专业化GIS技术应用,实现地质图件的科学管理,实现地质研究、地质思想的有效传承。

    To explore the professional GIS technology , the scientific management of geological maps , geological research , geological thought effective inheritance .

  19. NIH医学科学基金资助及管理研究

    Supporting and Management of NIH Medical Research Foundation

  20. 面向服务科学的供应链管理研究综述

    A Research Survey of Service Science-oriented Supply Chain Management

  21. 大科学工程的风险管理研究

    Research on Risk Management of Large Science Project

  22. 加强科学管理,推动社科研究工作的发展

    Strength the scientific management advance the level and benefit of the social sciences research

  23. 体育社会科学研究项目管理的研究

    Research-Project Management of Social Science in Sports

  24. 微观层面是科学数据管理过程,研究管理过程中的各个环节以及各环节之间的关系。

    Micro-level includes scientific data management process , all aspects of the research management process , the various aspects of the relationship .

  25. 作为储罐科学管理的基础,研究该项技术具有重大的经济、社会和环境效益。

    Being the base of scientific management of tank , the development of this technology will bring great economic , social and environmental benefits .

  26. 运用复杂科学对学校管理进行研究,将会促使学校管理理论、学校管理实践和学校管理研究等各个方面发生根本性转变。

    Researching into school management by Complexity Science will arise the fundamental transition in all aspects of the theory , practice and research of school management .

  27. 因此,具有动态性、敏捷性特征的敏捷供应链技术成为制造科学和管理科学的研究热点,得到了迅速的发展,敏捷供应链生产模式正在成为21世纪制造业的主流生产模式。

    So agile supply chain with its characteristics of dynamic and agility has become a popular research focus both in manufacture and management science , and it has developed rapidly . Agile supply chain is becoming a mainstream production model of manufacturing industry in 21st century .

  28. 在对搞好高校系级教学档案管理重要性简要说明的基础上,重点对应如何根据系级教学档案形成的规律和特点来对系级教学档案进行科学分类和科学管理作了研究。

    On the basis of discussions on the importance of good management of department-level archives in colleges and universities , this paper studies the ways of how to scientifically classify and manage department-level archives according to the forming principles and characteristics of department-level archives .

  29. 势科学;管理评价;科学评价;管理复杂性研究;中国管理;

    Potential Science ; management appraisal ; scientific evaluation ; management complexity research ; Chinese management ;