
  1. 镁合金的开发和应用现已成为世界各国科技和产业竞争的热点和焦点。

    The development and application of magnesium alloys has become the world competition focus in technology and industry .

  2. 目前,生物素只能通过化学合成方法获得,且均从国外进口,价格昂贵,制约了我国畜牧科技和产业的发展。

    Up till now , biotin could only be gained by the method of chemical synthesis and only imported from the foreign countries , and its price was very expensive and seriously restricted the development of our country 's animal husbandry .

  3. 这对预测科技和产业的未来发展趋势,制定和调整科技发展战略、产业发展战略以及改革高等工程教育都有着重要的意义。

    It not only has much meaning for predicting the trends of industry , science and technology , but also is helpful for drawing up and adjusting the development strategies of science , technology and industry , innovating higher engineering education system .

  4. IT产业独特的发展趋势揭示了美国信息经济出现全新增长方式的科技和产业背景,它印证了技术进步是形成经济转换格局的基本动力这一结论。

    The unique developmental trend of the IT industry has revealed the technological and industrial background behind the brand new way of growth of the American information economy , and therefore supports the argument that technical progress has been the main driving force for economic transformation .

  5. 新科技革命和产业变革的时代浪潮奔腾而至,如果我们不应变、不求变,将错失发展机遇,甚至错过整个时代。

    If we do not move proactively to adapt to the surging tide of new scientific revolution and industrial transformation , we risk missing valuable opportunities or even falling behind the times . We should be good reformers and pioneers .

  6. 促进水稻科技创新和产业发展的专业性期刊

    Professional Periodicals of Promoting Rice Sci-Tech Innovation and Industrial Development

  7. 医科院校科技开发和产业化探析

    Problems and Countermeasures of Science and Technology Exploitation and Industrialization in Medical University

  8. 新立基将科技创新和产业升级视为企业生命。

    Synergy sees technology innovation and improvement of industrialization as its key to life .

  9. 国际金融危机正在催生新的科技革命和产业革命。

    The global financial crisis is hastening the birth of a new technological and industrial revolution .

  10. 该基金规模达2000亿人民币,将重点关注国家战略领域、科技创新和产业链。

    The 200-billion-yuan fund will focus on national strategic areas , sci-tech innovation , and industrial chains .

  11. 人类文明进程需要一场新的科技革命和产业革命。

    To advance the course of human civilization , a new revolution in science , technology and industry is absolutely necessary .

  12. 培植养蚕大户促进科技推广和产业化建设

    Training and Supporting Large Scale Silkworm Raiser to Promote the Application of Science and Technology and the Construction of Industrialization System

  13. 全球经济治理机制深刻变革,科技创新和产业转型蕴育突破。

    Profound changes are taking place in the global economic governance , breakthroughs in scientific and technological innovation and industry transformation are on the horizon .

  14. 随着现代科技和信息产业的发展,互联网的诸多优势促使传统酒店服务业发生了巨大变化。在线酒店预订在中国迈入快速发展的阶段。

    With the development of the modern technology and information industry , the Internet has SO many advantages that the online hotel industry is being changed dramatically .

  15. 近年来,工业化国家迅速调整其科技政策和产业政策,重新强调制造业的地位和作用,并致力于开发先进制造技术。

    Recently industrialized countries had adjusted their science & technology polices and industrial policies promptly , restated the role of manufacture industries and worked for advanced manufacture technology .

  16. 纵观发达国家产业发展的过程,我们可以发现,创业投资在促进科技创新和产业发展方面具有不可替代的作用。

    From the developed countries ' industrial history , we can discover that the venture capital has played a vital role in the scientific innovation and the industrial development .

  17. 如日本政府加大在研究开发中的作用、重视应用研究和开发研究、加强对发展科技和技术产业化的宏观调控。

    For example , Japanese Government enlarges research development function , takes the applied research and develops the research . Japanese Government strengthens to control the technical and the industrial production .

  18. 中科院说,在今后的10到20年,这些领域很有可能发生一场以绿色、智能和可持续为特征的新的科技革命和产业革命。

    According to the Academy , these are areas where work is necessary in order to pave the way for a " technological and industrial revolution " that will be probably seen in10 – 20 years .

  19. 提高棉花的科技创新和产业化能力,对于提升我国棉花国际竞争力、增加农民收入、发展农村经济、稳定和发展棉纺业以及增加就业和稳定社会安全等都具有十分重要的意义。

    Improving scientific , technical innovation and industrialization ability of the cotton , is significant to promoting the international competitiveness , increasing peasant income , developing rural economy , increasing employment , stabilizing and developing cotton spinning industry .

  20. 高新区是实现科技创新和产业化结合的主要形式,促进了发明或发现通畅地转移到产业领域,实现经济和社会效益。

    The high-tech industrial development zone is the main form to realize the combination between technical innovation and industrialization . It promotes inventions and findings to transfer into the industrial field , and realizes the economic and social benefit .

  21. 在教学和实验上紧密跟踪科技前沿和产业界动向及时调整和完善教学内容,注重培养学生的综合能力和社会活动能力。

    The latest development in science and technology , and the trend in industrial sector should be followed in teaching and experiment , the teaching content ought to be adjusted and perfected , and students'comprehensive ability and communication capability need to be emphasized .

  22. 随着生产方式的改变、科技进步和产业结构的调整,城市滨水区域的功能也在不断发生变化。由最初的生活空间演变成工业化早期的工业生产与交通运输空间。

    And along with the development of productive forces , the progress of science and technology , the readjustment of industrial structure , the function of the urban waterfront has also been switched gradually in all ages , by life space evolved into industrial production and transportation space .

  23. 树立科学发展观加速高校科技成果转化和产业化

    Accelerate Transformation of Scientific and Technical Achievements and Industrialization of Universities

  24. 另外,检索2002年-2012年关于高校科技成果转化和产业化平台建设的文献,共获得3篇。

    In addition , I retrieve literature on university medical science and technology achievements transformation and industrialization of the platform , won three .

  25. 制约高校科技成果转化和产业化的一个重要因素是金融体系不健全和资金不足。

    An important factor that restricts the transformation and industrialization of scientific and technological achievements at college is the imperfect financial system and funding deficiency .

  26. 随着科技的进步和产业结构的升级,服务业在各国经济发展中占据着越来越重要的地位。

    With the advancement of technology and the upgrading of industrial structure , the services sector in the economic development of countries is becoming more and more important .

  27. 笔者认为,中部全面建设小康社会发展战略应抓人口、城市化、科技与教育和产业4大重点。

    It is pointed out that well-off society development strategies in the central region of China should grasp completely four key points : population , urbanization , technology and education , industry .

  28. 市场需求促进了科技创新和科技产业的发展,同时对新技术、新产品的研究开发提出新的课题。

    Demands of markets promote the innovation of the technology and the development of the science and technology industry . Besides that , the new subjects are raised to the new technology and products ' research and development .

  29. 近年来,随着科技进步和农村产业结构调整,男性劳动力大量流入城市和东部发达地区,女性成为农业生产活动的主体,成为新农村建设的主力军。

    In recent years , with technological progress and industrial restructuring in rural areas , male labor force has flowed into eastern cities and more developed regions . Thus female who involved in the main agricultural production activities have become the main force in new rural construction .

  30. 农村新经济发展给农村职业教育带来了新机遇,对科技发展和农村产业、现代化、市场化以及农村人口素质提出了新挑战。

    The rural new economy , on the one hand , brings new opportunities for rural occupational education , and on the other , poses challenges to the development of science and technology , rural industries , modernization , marketing as well as the competence of farmers .