
  • 网络Science and Technology Industrial Park;Science Park;Hi-Tech Industry Park
  1. ABC热电有限公司(以下简称ABC公司)位于东莞市科技工业园南端,主要经营热电联供发电项目。

    ABC Cogeneration Company is located in the south of the Science and Technology Industrial Park of Dongguan City . It mainly runs the cogeneration power projects .

  2. 为适应这一世界新技术革命的挑战,我国在计划经济环境中,以政府制度创新供给为依托,建立了自己的科技工业园&高新技术产业开发区。

    In face of the challenge of the new technology , we set up ourselves science park that is high & new technology industrial development zone ( HNTIDZ ) under the support of government in the planned economy system in China .

  3. 从创新文化看科技工业园文化建设

    On Cultural Construction of Scientific and Technological Parks from Innovative Culture

  4. 科技工业园文化的特点及实质

    The Characteristics and Essence of the Culture of Science and Technology Parks

  5. 硅谷是依托斯坦福大学建立起科技工业园的成功典范。

    Silicon Valley is a successful model of establishing industrial park supported by Stanford University .

  6. 然而在我国科技工业园的发展中,西部科技工业园仍处于较低水平。

    However , in the west of China , hi-tech parks are still in a state of under-development .

  7. 科技工业园文化的个性化范式导致高新技术产业发展结果的差异。

    Culture of individuation in science and technology parks results in different outcome of high and new technology industry .

  8. 信息产业是引领西部经济起飞的主导部门,而科技工业园是信息产业发展的空间载体,能为信息产业发展提供五大聚集优势。

    IT industry is the leading part in economy growth , and hi - tech parks can provide five dominant priorities in collecting and promoting IT industry .

  9. 作为特定群体共同追求的科技工业园文化,主要表现为三个立体层面:价值观念及思维方式层次、制度规则层次及器物层次。

    As a common pursuit of particular groups , culture of science and technology parks represents three dimensional levels : value and ideal system , institution level and physical level .

  10. 结合新的形势,认为创建国防科技工业园,以激励军民良性互动将能够促进国防科技工业园的进一步发展。

    According to the new condition , this paper descibles that establish national defence hi-tech Zone may be a good selection for arising military and civilian side for its development .

  11. 本文指出,建设科技工业园式中试车间在项目式绿色技术创新管理中具有举足轻重的作用。

    This passage pointed out that the establishment of industrial park type middle stage test workshop plays an important role in the process of project-type green technological innovations ( GTI ) management .

  12. 第二章从高新技术产业空间组织形式和大学城两方面进行理论和实践研究进行综述和总结,并对科技工业园、大学城、研究型大学、社区等概念进行界定。

    Chapter 2 makes a survey and summarizes the research on the theory and practice from the perspective of new high-tech industry space organizing form and University City , and defines such concepts as scientific and technological industrial park , University City , Research University , and community .

  13. 中国自1985年设立第一个科技园区&深圳科技工业园开始,到目前已有53个国家级科技园区,此外还有一大批省级高新区。

    Since the fundation of the first high-tech park in Shenzhen in 1985 , there have been 53 national high-tech parks along with a large number of provincial ones .

  14. 此时,政府可以发挥科技供给者的主导作用,方法是建设中试车间式科技工业园,园区要突出专业并实施绿色招项。

    By now , the government may play a leading role of technological supplier , which is to establish the middle stage test workshop type technological industrial park , giving prominence to profession and carry out green project promotion .