
  • 网络Science and Technology Management Research;Research Technology Management
  1. 区域农业发展中的科技管理研究

    Research on Scientific and Technological Projects Management in Regional Agriculture Development

  2. 本课程主要是提供从事于资讯科技管理研究者必备的研究方法、研究架构与管理技能的专业知识。

    This course provides graduate students with knowledge about research methodology , research framework and management skills for information technology management .

  3. 重大工程科技进步管理研究

    A Research on the Progress in Science and Technology of Great Projects

  4. 美国与英国公益性科技管理体系研究

    Science and Technology Management System of U.S.A and Britain

  5. 科技人才管理研究

    The Study about Science and Technology Talents Management

  6. 我国农业科技项目管理研究农业产业化项目管理模式初探

    Research on Agricultural Industrialization Project Management Mode

  7. 演化视角下的自主创新导向型公共科技管理制度研究

    The Research of Independent-Innovation Oriented Public Science and Technology Management Institution Based on the Perspective of the Evolution

  8. 针对新世纪食品安全管理部门面临的挑战,系统总结并分析了国际食品安全科技与管理研究的进展情况。

    Based on the challenges which food safety management departments faces in the newly century , the development of food safety management and sci-tech.

  9. 我国科技预警管理研究初探&从科技预警相关事例谈起电力应急管理中的综合预测预警技术

    Forewarning Research Based on Science and Technology Management Talk from Several Relevant Cases about S T Forewarning ; Integrated forecasting and warning technologies for electrical power system emergency management

  10. 基于ASP和SqlServer2000科技管理系统的研究

    Study on A Technical Information System Based on ASP and SQL Server 2000

  11. 高校科技成果管理机制研究

    Analysis on Machine-processed of Achievements in Scientific Research Management in Universities

  12. 加强对科技进步管理的研究

    Strengthening the Research on the Management of Science and Technology Progress

  13. 基于技术创新的科技项目绩效管理研究

    Research on Science and Technology Project Performance Management Based upon Technological Innovation

  14. 科技企业集成管理研究论纲

    A Research Outline of Integrated Management of ST Enterprises

  15. 科技档案管理建设研究

    Research in the science and technology archives management

  16. 民营科技企业风险管理研究

    Research on Risk Management for Non-State-owned Scientific Enterprises

  17. 国外企业科技管理的借鉴研究

    Research on Foreign Enterprise Technological Management

  18. 新时期高校科技管理工作的研究与探讨

    The research and discuss of scientific and technical management for the Tertiary Colleges in modern time

  19. 小型民营科技企业员工流动管理研究

    Employee Turnover Management Research in Small-Sized Private Scientific and Technological Enterprises

  20. 高校科技管理智能系统的研究

    Primary research on academic science & technology Management intelligent system

  21. 木兰县现代农业科技园区管理运行模式研究

    Research on Management Model of Modern Agricultural Technology Park in Mulan County

  22. 优化我国企业虚拟科技人力资源管理问题研究

    Optimize Our Country Enterprises Virtual Science and Technology Human Resources Management Research

  23. 商业银行科技资源管理系统的研究与实现

    The Research and Realization of Resource Management Information System

  24. 高校科技管理人员激励因素研究

    Research on the Incentive Factors of the College S & T Management Members

  25. 二次创业时期民营科技企业人力资源管理研究

    Research on Human Resource Management of Private Technical Enterprise

  26. 中国科技证券公司变革管理研究

    Research on the Innovation Management of China Sci-tech Securities

  27. 我国工厂化农业的科技与管理创新机制研究

    Research on the scientific technological and management innovations mechanism of industrialized agriculture in China

  28. 县级政府科技经费投入及管理研究

    Research about the Investment and Management of Scientific and Technological Outlay for County-Level Government

  29. 面向知识创新的民营科技企业人力资源管理研究

    Human Resource Management Modes and Strategy of Private Technology Enterprises Oriented to Knowledge Innovation

  30. 国内外科技项目绩效管理理论研究述评

    Review on theoretical research on performance management of domestic and foreign scientific and technological project