
  • 网络scientific literature
  1. 明清之际的反传统精神,在某种程度上是在社会大变动的格局之下所显现出来的对传统文化的离异,具体表现在政治、经济、伦理以及科学文艺等社会的各个领域。

    To some extent , the anti-traditional spirit of the Ming and Qing Dynasty was a kind of rebellion under the circumstance of big social change to traditional culture . It appeared in the fields like politics , economic , ethic , science , art and so on .

  2. 科学在文艺复兴时期发生了新的转变。

    Science took a new and different turn in the Renaissance .

  3. 这是科学的文艺评论观和研究观。

    This is a scientific concept art commentary and research concept .

  4. 十九世纪初,欧洲自然科学在文艺复兴后得到了快速发展。

    The early nineteenth century , the European Science has been developed rapidly after " Renaissance " .

  5. 本文探讨了俄国形式主义流派在建立科学的文艺学体系过程中所显示的内在矛盾及局限。

    This paper discusses the inner contradictions and limitations which Russia Formalism displays in setting up scientific system of literature theory .

  6. 克里斯朵夫.默卡的家庭,是个富有而显赫的科学和文艺家庭,还拥有一家本土工程公司。

    The Morcoms were a wealthy , vigorous scientific and artistic family , with a base in a Midlands engineering firm .

  7. 文艺工作者应该学习文艺创作,这是对的,但是马克思列宁主义是一切革命者都应该学习的科学,文艺工作者不能是例外。

    It is right for writers and artists to study literary and artistic creation , but the science of Marxism-Leninism must be studied by all revolutionaries , writers and artists not excepted .

  8. 这个年轻人在科学、文艺、法律等一切方面一无所长,但他说自己有一项长处:会明辨是非。

    Having no special skills in science , literary arts , law or whatsoever , the young man replies that he has one strong point : He makes a clear distinction between right and wrong .

  9. 地球科学文化与文艺复兴

    The Earth Science Culture and Renaissance

  10. 灵感是科学发现和文艺创作中常见的心理现象,也是设计创新中常见的心理现象。

    Inspiration is a common psychological phenomenon in scientific discovery , literature and art creation , as well as in design creation .

  11. 西方近代科学诞生于文艺复兴后的16世纪,发源地是意大利,奠基者是哥白尼、达·芬奇、培根、伽利略等人。

    Modem western science emerging from Italy after the Renaissance in16th century and its founders were N Copernicus , da Vinci , F Bacon , Galileo and so on .

  12. 只有这样,才能科学的把握文艺的本质,处理好文艺主体与客体的关系。

    Only in this way , we can grasp the scientific nature of literature and art and deal with the relationship between subject and object of literature and art better .

  13. 由于现代科学是由文艺复兴发展而来,因此心理学探索这块儿就成为争论的一个来源,这些争论造成对心理学本质的哲学模式的竞争。

    As modern science grew out of the Renaissance , the place of psychological inquiry became a source of controversy that resulted in competing philosophical models of the nature of psychology .

  14. 从一种科学观看新时期文艺理论的两个命题

    Two Propositions in Literary Theory in the New Period From a Scientific Perspective

  15. “人文主义”属于思想史范畴,近代科学直接脱胎于文艺复兴世俗人文主义,现代科学则与19世纪后的新人文主义处于相互依存的对立统一关系中;

    In fact , in terms of the history of ideology , contemporary science was directly derived from the secular humanism in Renaissance whereas modern science is correlative with and contrastive to neo-humanism .