
  • 网络Klaette;colette;Toni Collette
  1. 为了祝贺DC漫画公司75周年生日,科莱特招募时尚史上最强大阵容根据DC推出的超级英雄形象设计了一个限量版服饰系列。

    To celebrate DC Comic's75th birthday , Colette 's enlisted their best fashion buds to design a collection of limited edition clothing and accessories inspired by super heroes .

  2. 因为带着他们的小女儿科莱特(Colette)一起上路,这个博客同样充当着现代版的全家福。

    And because they were bringing their infant daughter , Colette , it would serve as a modern family portrait .

  3. 因为带着他们的小女儿科莱特(Colette)一起上路,这个博客同样充当着“现代版的全家福”。

    And because they were bringing their infant daughter , Colette , it would serve as " a modern family portrait . "

  4. 科莱特•考特申(ColetteCourtion)是美国西北部一家高端肌肤抗衰老连锁诊所的创始人,几年前,经济衰退令她感到焦虑,于是她开始通过购物寻求慰藉。

    A few years ago , when the recession made her anxious , Colette Courtion , founder of a chain of upscale anti-aging skin clinics in the Northwest , went shopping .

  5. 科莱特终于明白这到底是怎么回事了。

    Klaette finally understand that in the end what 's happened .

  6. 科莱特在今年1902年秋季决定剪掉漂亮的长发。

    Colette decided to cut her magnificent hair in the autumn of1902 .

  7. 科莱特:他称呼它为他的“小厨师”。

    Colett he calls it his " little chef " .

  8. 科莱特无奈地摇头,“被你的草闹的。”

    Klaette reluctantly shook his head ," Thanks for your trouble grass . "

  9. 科莱特是法国文学史上一位杰出的人物。

    Colette is one of the most fascinating figures of French literary history .

  10. 小女儿科莱特总在笑,喜爱与人交流。

    and baby Colette is smiling and engaged .

  11. 《科莱特》2019年1月在英国上映。

    Colette hits UK cinemas January 2019 .

  12. 科莱特坚持认为奥黛丽•赫本是那部戏里女主角的最佳人选。

    Colette insisted that Audrey was the perfect girt to play the lead role in the play .

  13. 但是生活在加利福尼亚州的保罗和科莱特已经和这些猛兽有了多年的感情。

    But California couple Paul and Colette have formed a bond with the animals over the years .

  14. 管家皮特的到来,似乎让科莱特一家人的生活终于又走上了正轨。

    Steward Pitt 's arrival seemed to Klaette family life have finally embarked on the right track .

  15. 科莱特坚持认为赫本是出演这部戏主角的完美人选。

    Colette insisted that Hepburn was the perfect girl to play the lead role in the play .

  16. 为了给他一个最适宜的生活环境,科莱特将他带到了自己的温室里。

    In order to give him one of the most suitable living environments , Klaette took him to his own greenhouse .

  17. 不过,市场分析人士科莱特认为,考虑到这次地震震级是如此之大,金融市场的反应实际上并不是太糟糕。

    But given the magnitude of the quake , equity analyst Ben Collett says the market reaction could have been worse .

  18. 慎终而追远&回族穆斯林游坟习俗文化浅析始终提供用户满意的产品是科莱特人永远不懈的追求!

    The Cultural Analysis on Visiting-tomb of Hui Ethnic Group ; Always supply our customer with satisfaction is our forever goal !

  19. 科莱特吃力地抓起芬尼的头,看到他滴着血的嘴里居然齐根断了一颗毒牙。

    Klaette struggled to grab the head of Finney and saw her mouth dripping blood , a broken fang actually from roots .

  20. 但科莱特说,建造既安全又美观的房地产市场还有很长的路要走。

    Collett says , however , that the market in making homes that are both safe and attractive has a long way to go .

  21. 芬尼本来对这只浑身散发着恶臭的老鼠没什么食欲,她更爱吃科莱特每天带来的大块牛肉。

    Finney had only exuded the stench of rat no appetite , she was more likely to eat large chunks of beef , Klaette brings every day .

  22. 说是实验室,其实就是一个大温室,里面有科莱特从世界各地带回来的昆虫、动物和植物。

    About the laboratory , in fact , a large greenhouse , which is Klaette brought back from around the world of insects , animals and plants .

  23. 芬尼看到科莱特,一下子扑到他身上,拼命往他的胳膊下面钻,那样子活像一个受了委屈的孩子终于看到了妈妈。

    Finney to see Klaette , suddenly flew at him , trying desperately to his arm underneath , it looks like one by the aggrieved Child finally see his mother .

  24. 科莱特一进温室就发现里面一片混战后的狼藉,许多树叶被折断在地上,架子上的花盆也碎了一排。

    Klaette found inside a greenhouse into a melee after the messy , many leaves are broken on the ground , pots on the shelf is also broken in a row .

  25. 在科莱特家几年的丰衣足食和缺乏运动,芬尼的身体涨势迅猛,伸展开来足有12米长,但也胖得几乎有些行动不便。

    Klaette years of affluence in the home and lack of exercise , the body gains Finney rapid enough to extend to12 meters long , but he was too fat to move .

  26. 在公园里,在塞纳河边的草地上,我读着巴尔扎克、左拉、科莱特和福楼拜:他们那些描写社会和人性的小说。

    In parks , and on the stretches of grass beside the Seine , I read Balzac and Zola and Colette and Flaubert : 2 novels about society and the human heart .

  27. 呜兹在门前犹豫要不要进去,这里是他从未涉足过的地方,因为科莱特曾经提醒他,一定不能进到那里面去,否则会有危险。

    Woods hesitate to get in the door , this is the place he never visited , as Klaette once to remind him that there must not go into , or be dangerous .

  28. 每当我看到它,就会想到巴尔扎克笔下的吝啬鬼,左拉笔下的小偷,科莱特笔下兢兢业业的艺人和福楼拜笔下的弗雷德里克,他们倾其所有,孤注一掷。

    Every time I look at it I think of Balzac 's misers and Zola 's thieves and Colette 's hardworking artistes and Flaubert 's Francsic , risking everything on one throw of the dice .

  29. 科莱特今年1月满了3岁,她已经在旅途中度过了人生三分之一的时光。他们回洛杉矶短暂休整的时候,她告诉爸爸妈妈她想回家。

    During their brief return to Los Angeles , Collette , who turns 3 in January and has lived a third of her life on the road , told her parents she wanted to go home .

  30. 呜兹慢慢停止了吐沫子,科莱特又将手里那一坨揉烂的叶子塞进呜兹的嘴里,然后对脱脱说:“看着你的朋友,我去找找芬尼。”

    Woods slowly stopped spittle ; Klaette squeezed the rubbed leaves into Woods 's mouth again , then turned to Tuotuo and said : " Look after your friend , I 'll go find Fanny . "