
  • 网络YONEX
  1. 它的重量不足3盎司,可以附着在尤尼克斯(Yonex,一家日本网羽用品公司)公司的球拍上。它今年春天已经在日本正式上市。

    Weighing under 3 ounces and made to snap onto the butt of certain Yonex racquets , it comes out in Japan this spring .

  2. 中国运动鞋网购市场前10名品牌依次为:耐克,阿迪达斯,李宁,匡威,安踏,彪马,万斯,纽巴伦,背靠背和尤尼克斯。

    In2010Q2 , the top10 brands in China sports shoes online market are : Nike , Adidas , Lining , Converse , Anta , Puma , Vans , New Balance , Kappa and Yonex .