
jīnɡ jì wèn tí tàn suǒ
  • inquiry into economic issues
  1. 对外开放城市工业生态经济问题探索

    Approach to Eco-economical Problems in the Open City Industry

  2. 公有制和市场经济结合问题探索

    On the Combination Between the Public Ownership and the Market Economy

  3. 国内外对于区域经济问题的研究探索不少,但对于基于地势差与区域互补下,城市经济问题的研究则较少,因此本文提出了基于地势差与区域互补下城市的成长模式研究。

    We have study and explored regional economic problems a lot , but less explored about the urban economic issues based on complementary between different areas and different topography , so I proposed a mode about how to improve regional economy based on topography and regional differences .

  4. 隔热耐火材料选用技术经济问题的思考与探索

    Thinking and discussion about technical and economic question in selection of heat-insulating refractory

  5. 通过研究环北部湾经济圈中心城市群的经济发展问题,探索开放经济下的中心城市跨国区域整合途径是本文的宗旨。

    The tenet of this thesis is to search the way of integration of transnational region by searching the problem in the economic development of the metropolis group around the north bay .