
jīnɡ jì xué yǔ zhé xué
  • economics and philosophy
  1. 本论文以哲学的唯物辩证法为研究方法,从经济学与哲学、伦理学的相互关系、相互作用入手从而确立经济伦理学的主要内容和主要问题。

    This paper employs the materialism dialectic method of philosophy to establish the main contents and issues of question of economic ethics , which is derived from the interaction of economics , philosophy and ethics .

  2. 在智慧文化中,技术接受科学和哲学的指引,经济学与哲学伦理学重新结盟,科学自觉地与哲学对话,哲学善于体悟不可言说的存在。

    In the culture based on wisdom , technology will be guided by science and philosophy , economics will be combined with ethics , science will have dialogue with philosophy , and philosophy will try to understand things that cannot be put into words .

  3. 发展观历史转型的经济学背景与哲学支援(摘)

    The Economics Background of the Historical Transformation of Development Ideology and the Philosophical Support ( Abstract )

  4. 他致力于经济学与政治哲学的融合,正因如此,它的正义理论有着与现实更紧密的联系,有着更强的可操作性。

    He devoted to integrate the economics and political philosophy . Thus , his theory of justice has a closer contact with reality and is more feasible .

  5. 技术、经济学、科学与哲学

    Technology , Economics , Science and Philosophy

  6. 马克思的经济学批判与马克思主义哲学的存在与发展方式

    The Marx 's Critique of Economics and the Existential and Developing Patterns of Marxist Philosophy

  7. 在许多经济学大师的著作中,经济学是与哲学思维交融在一起的。

    Economics and philosophy accrete together in many canons of famous economists .

  8. 而现代经济学强调了平等的内涵主要是机会平等,这个结论是现代经济学与哲学思想互动的结果;

    Modern economics emphasizes that the connotation of equality lies in the equal opportunity , and this conclusion is the result of the interaction between economics and philosophical ideas .