
  1. 社会法:一种经济法研究进路的反思

    Social Law : Reflection on the Research Method of Economic Law

  2. 经济法研究的合与同

    The Integration and Common of the Research on Economic Law

  3. 经济法研究的管理学分析方法初探

    On Method of Management Analysis in Economic Law Study

  4. 经济法研究范围的经济学思考

    Economics Reflection on the Range of Economic Law

  5. 从市场失灵、市场失衡到国家干预&经济法研究路径的再反思

    From Market Malfunction , Market Imbalance to the State 's Intervention : Reflections on the Research Approaches to the Economic Law

  6. 本文对于WTO及我国的法律制度做深入的研究和比较,并提出了相应的对策,对于我国未来的法制发展和国际经济法理论研究具有重要的科学意义。

    This thesis deeply studies and compares WTO and our country 's legal system , and poses relevant countermeasure . It has important significance to our country 's legal system development and the study of theory of international economic law .

  7. 第四部分是国际经济法价值研究的最后一个环节。

    The forth part is the last link of these value studies .

  8. 经济法理论研究的几点思考

    Some Thoughts on Theoretical Research of Economic Constitution

  9. 我国价格欺诈的经济法规制研究

    On the Legal Rule of the Price Swindling in Economic Law in Our Country

  10. 长株潭城市群建设的经济法保障研究

    Economic Law Security Research of Changsha , Zhuzhou and Xiangtan Urban Agglomeration 's Construction

  11. 经济法定义研究

    Research on Definition of Economic Law

  12. 神经网络经济预测法研究

    Economical Forecasting using Neural Network

  13. 经济法责任研究的逻辑起点应当是社会竞争利益。

    The logic starting point of the responsibility of economic law should be " social competition interests " .

  14. 其二为市场缺陷和国家调节,这是从经济法角度研究的逻辑进路。

    Other of them is market imperfections and state regulation ; this is the logical way from the Economic Law view .

  15. 经济法价值研究是经济法基础理论研究中的重点,更是难点。

    The research on the value of economic law is an important but difficult part of the research on the fundamental theory of economic law .

  16. 因此,把分配引入法律特别是经济法的研究视野,无论是在分配理论的创新上,还是在分配制度的改革上,都具有积极而重要的意义。

    Therefore , making a study of the distribution in view of economic law is of great and active significance to reform of distributive theory and institution .

  17. 本文从经济法视角研究弱势群体的保护,指出保护弱势群体是经济法的内在要求。

    This paper will study protection of the vulnerable groups from the perspective of economic law , demonstrating that such protection is a necessity dictated by economic law itself .

  18. 经济法理论研究方法贯穿于经济法理论研究的始终,其成果可以直接指导、丰富和发展经济法理论体系。

    The research method on economic law theory affects its researches , whose achievements can be directly employed in guidance enrichment and development of the economic law theory system .

  19. 在前四章的基础上,笔者认为软法作为一种非传统法,应对其去粗取精,将其纳入经济法的研究视野。

    On the basis of the previous four chapters , I think of soft law as a non - " traditional method ", be included in the study of economic law perspective .

  20. 少数民族经济法的研究是经济法研究的有机组成部分,而研究民族经济法当然离不开对法制史的研究。

    Minority Economic Law of Economic Law is an integral part of the study , and research on national economic law of course , inseparable from the Legal History of the study .

  21. 本文从对经济法责任研究的重要理论和实践意义入手,对经济法责任的理论体系进行了基本的构筑,并尝试性地分析和探讨了该问题研究的重点和难点。

    Beginning from the important theories and daily practices , this article tries to set up a basic theory system about the economic law duty , and at the same time , analyses the important and difficult points of this issue .

  22. 结合对以往经济法责任研究的反思,确立“社会竞争利益维护”作为经济法责任研究的逻辑起点,将“社会竞争利益的补偿”作为经济法责任的承责基础;

    By retrospection of researches on economic law responsibility in the past , the paper puts " social competition interests " forward as a logic starting point of economic law responsibility , while " compensation of social competition interests " as a foundation responsible for economic law .

  23. 经济法基础理论研究回顾与述评

    A Review of Studies on the Basic Theories of Economic Law

  24. 证券市场独立审计经济法责任理论研究

    Research on Economic Law Accountability Theory of Independent Audit in Security Market

  25. 循环经济法的价值研究

    The Study on the Value of the Circular Economic Law

  26. 本文即从经济法角度来研究海关法。

    This article studies the customs law in terms of economic law .

  27. 我国经济法调整对象研究综述

    A comprehensive description of the adjusting object in the Chinese economic law

  28. 区域性国际经济组织机构法研究

    Research of the Institutional Law of Regional International Economic Organizations

  29. 循环型社会构建的经济法保障机制研究

    The Protection Mechanism of the Economic Law for Construction of a Recycling-oriented Society

  30. 论惩罚性赔偿&经济法具体责任研究

    On the Punitive Damages & A Disquisition on Concrete Liability of Economic Law