
  • 网络speculative method
  1. 经验方法和思辨方法是西方美学研究的基本方法。

    The experiential and metaphysical methods are the basic ways of studying the western aesthetics .

  2. 另外,思辨方法能够从正反两方面提出问题,在实验工作前仍然有积极意义。

    In addition , the traditional ways of thinking is still of positive significance since it poses questions from both positively and negatively .

  3. 实证方法、社会建构方法、比较方法和思辨方法等各学科的研究方法都被引入到管理研究之中。

    There are many research methods of other sciences such as empirical approach , social construction approach , comparative approach , speculative approach in management research .

  4. “形而上学”在逻辑实证主义哲学和马克思主义哲学中的不同境遇是它们各自运用新的不同方法以图超越传统思辨方法的结果。

    The different circumstances of " metaphysics " in Logical Positivism and Marxism was the result of their using different philosophical methods in order to surpass the traditional thinking methods .

  5. 其次,提出人类学方法较之思辨方法的科学性所在,并简要回顾了十九世纪以来人类学的研究成果。

    Then the thesis raises the fact that anthropological method is superior to the dialect method in respect of science , and made a summering retrospection on the accomplishments of anthropology in the 19th .

  6. 本文分析了我国教育科学研究方法的现状,认为传统的定性思辨方法仍然是教育科学研究方法的主流,总结经验是我国教育研究的一大特点。

    In the article , the status quo of educational science research in China is analyzed , and indicated that the traditional qualitative methods still are the main paradigm of educational research and that draw a conclusion from experience is a distinctive characteristic .

  7. 本文研究一位用思辨能力方法教授中国学生英语辩论课的美籍教师的授课情况。

    This paper studies an American teacher teaching Chinese students English debate with critical thinking method in China .

  8. 本文在研究方法上,采用的是思辨研究方法和实证研究方法的结合。

    In this paper , research methods , research methods used are speculative and empirical research methods combined .

  9. 实验哲学之所以备受关注,是因为它质疑直觉这种传统的哲学方法,主张哲学应该放弃思辨的方法。

    The reason why so many philosophers focus on it is that experimental philosophy is skeptical about intuition which is a traditional philosophical method , and thinks the speculative method should be given up .

  10. 本文主要运用文献研究和逻辑思辨等方法,通过对史实的梳理,研究1978-2008三十年间中国的新华通讯社和中国新闻社经营管理的演变轨迹。

    We use literature research and logical thinking to research the change of the management of Xinhua News Agency and China News Service in the 30 years between 1978 and 2008 , through the historical facts .

  11. 其次,通过理论思辨和实验方法,本文表明,舞台指令是戏剧(尤其是现代戏剧)不可分割的一个部分,也应该是戏剧文体分析的重要对象之一(见第四章)。

    Secondly , I have proved , through theoretical discussions and by experiments , that stage directions are an indispensable component of drama ( especially modern drama ) and an important object of stylistic analysis ( see Chapter 4 ) .

  12. 阿多诺的文化工业理论体现了法兰克福学派一以贯之的批判精神以及哲学思辨与经验研究方法的结合。

    The culture industry theory of T. W. Adorno embodies the critical spirit of the Frankfurt School and the integration of philosophical meditation and experiential study .

  13. 将科学的人类学方法引入美学研究,使思辨的哲学研究方法在客观、真实的探究中找到出路。

    The method of scientific research of anthropology into aesthetics , the speculative research methods of philosophy and find a way out in the objective , true inquiry .

  14. 但是由于研究者为思辨而思辨的研究方法,在一定程度上限制了研究的深度,提出的对策对改善这些问题收益较小。

    But due to the methods of researchers , a certain extent , limit the depth of the research and the measures they proposed is usefulness .

  15. 所以中医建设实验科学的第一步是要认识到哲学思辨与科学思维大不相同,在实验过程中应该慎用推理,并且对传统思辨的方法保持警惕。

    It follows that in establishing experimental science of traditional Chinese medicine it is important to realize the difference between philosophical discrimination and scientific ways of thinking so as to use reasoning carefully in experiments and be wary of the traditional ways of thinking .